Dollars & Sense

Dollars & Sense

Top 10 Tips for Homeschool Leaders: Insurance & Record Keeping

November 14, 2019

Homeschool leaders sometimes wonder when they need an insurance policy. And what type of policy do they need?


In this episode Carol Topp, CPA discusses the various types of insurance a typical homeschool group might need. Additionally, homeschool leaders get a few tips on record keeping and reimbursements for expenses.


This is the final part of a 5-part series on Top 10 Tips for Homeschool Leaders, a workshop given to homeschool leaders in Wichita, Kansas


Each episode can be found at In the 5 part podcast series Carol will cover:

Episode # 180 Board duties

Episode # 181 Bylaws

Episode # 182 Preventing fraud

Episode # 183 Paying Workers

Episode # 184 Insurance and Record keeping

Find more Homeschool CPA episodes here!

Featured Product

Webinar on Financial Statements
In the webinar Carol mentioned record keeping, reimbursements, and financial statements. To help homeschool leaders, especially treasurers, Carol has a free webinar on Financial Reports for Homeschool Groups. She shows you good, bad and really ugly financial reports!
Watch the webinar (no cost) here.

Thank you to our Sponsor - A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Movie!

Tom Hanks portrays Mister Rogers in A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, a timely story of kindness triumphing over cynicism, based on the true story of a real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod. After a jaded magazine writer (Emmy winner Matthew Rhys) is assigned a profile of Fred Rogers, he overcomes his skepticism, learning about kindness, love and forgiveness from America’s most beloved neighbor.

Click here to watch the trailer and find a theatre near you!
