The Doctrine of Christ

The Doctrine of Christ

Latest Episodes

The Doctrine of Christ in the Story of Abraham
May 25, 2021

Abraham found himself needing to leave the wicked society around him, who sought his life when he would not yield to the idolatrous ways of Babylon. He realized that “finding there was greater happiness and peace and rest for me,

The Gate By Which Ye Should Enter
May 18, 2021

What is "the gate by which ye should enter" spoken of in scriptures? The doctrine of Christ is clear that His sheep hear his voice and are numbered among His flock. Those who enter in at the gate are legit,

The Work of The Father
May 11, 2021

The "work of the Father" is set to commence in a time "when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people." Nephi and Isaiah wrote extensively about this work, with Jesus Christ himself explaining it to the Nephites during his visit,

Does God Allow a Prophet to Lead Us Astray?
May 03, 2021

Would God ever allow a shepherd or prophet in Israel to lead his people astray? Has he ever in the past? Has God ever "removed them from their place" when they've attempted to? Where does this notion come from? Let's explore scriptural teachings,

Discipleship & Losing Your Life for Christ’s Sake
April 26, 2021

Disciples of Christ carry heavy burden, but that weight can be made light in Christ. Through faith in Christ and reliance on His merits, we can become truly “willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort,

Decoding The Second Book of Nephi
April 20, 2021

Why does Nephi quote 12 chapters of Isaiah right before he gives his grand prophecy to the modern reader of the Book of Mormon? Is this prophesy clear and easy to understand or have the changes made to the BOM over time caused sacred truths to be lost?...

Nephi’s Sealing Power & The Holy Order of God
April 12, 2021

Nephi "with unwearyingness declared the word" without fear of men and with diligence in keeping God's commandments. Having been tested to the core, the Lord saw fit to give Nephi the sealing power to bind on earth and heaven,

I Will Bless Those Who Labor in My Vineyard
April 06, 2021

The Lord and His servants have a large work to undertake, preserving the fruit of the olive trees. They’re commissioned to help prune the vineyard for the last time, according to the prophecies of Zenock, and reemphasized by Jacob. The Lord promises,

Viewing Ourselves In Our Own Carnal State
March 30, 2021

The truth is that all mankind was fallen, sensual, and devilish by nature in their carnal state. Natural men & women are enemies to God and belong to the Devil. Satan has claim on them through the law of justice.

My Peace I Give Unto You
March 23, 2021

The world will not and cannot offer peace. Peace is a gift from God, given to “the peacemakers” and the “peaceable followers of Christ” who exercise faith in Him, repent and come unto Him. True followers who are born again in Christ are they who are “f...
