The Doctrine of Christ

The Doctrine of Christ

Latest Episodes

Your Overthrow & Destruction
November 30, 2021

What are the factors that lead to one being destroyed and overthrown? What warnings does the Lord issue before a people reach this state? How much time does someone have to change and take the warning

All Their Creeds Were An Abomination Before Me
November 09, 2021

What is a creed? What are examples of them throughout history and do they exist among us today? What does the Lord say about them? What did Joseph Smith teach about them? Join the discussion with us a

Search Diligently: Getting More From The Scriptures (Part 1)
November 02, 2021

Searching the scriptures requires knowing how to study them. In this presentation, Dustin Grady walks through some of the biggest ways to get more from the scriptures that most people tend to miss.

Overcoming All Things
October 26, 2021

D&C 76 gives us an outline of the ascension process that we must go through to enter into God’s Kingdom. The Lord tells us that he will give us “all things.” Later on, he tells us that we must overcom

The Prophecy of Joel: Isaiah in 3 Chapters
October 19, 2021

The book of Joel contains valuable insights to our world, our time and the latter-day gentile people. Joel describes in detail the works of God in the latter-days, and even shares echoed themes from I

By Their Works- How to Recognize True Messengers (Part 2)
October 12, 2021

Many in the world claim to be called by or sent from God. As the old adage goes, "Actions speak louder than words." In connection with part one of this subject, "By Their Words", we'll explore the scr

Repent & Return
October 06, 2021

To a lost & fallen people, no message is more important to hear, discuss, understand and hearken: Repent & Return. "How oft have I gathered you," Christ asked the Nephites, referring to the past, and

By Their Words- How to Recognize True Messengers (Part 1)
September 21, 2021

God expects us to listen to his servants, and he also expects us to "live by every word that proceeds from [his] mouth." What can we learn from the scriptures regarding how to truly identify a true me

Likening the Scriptures Unto Ourselves
September 14, 2021

How do writings from thousands of years ago have meaning for us today? How can we effectively apply them to ourselves and still keep their original meaning? What can we do to gain a deeper perspective

D&C 101: A Key to Understanding Isaiah & The D&C
September 13, 2021

The parable of the redemption of Zion found in D&C 101:43-66 holds some important keys to understanding the end times. The parable speaks of the mission of the servants who work to redeem fallen Zion
