Doc South Show

Doc South Show


October 10, 2014

Most of the time, computers are just fine.  They’re a lot of fun, useful and just a joy to be around.  Well, they’re a joy  to be around when they’re working right and no one is messing with them.   There you are skipping down that internet freeway just like it was the Yellow Brick Road, when all of a sudden, there’s that old wicked witch popping out of the bushes and stomping all over your poor defenseless files and kicking sand all over your keyboard.  What will you do?  You could throw water on her and laugh as she melts but, what if you got water on your laptop?   Take care friends help is here.  See that guy with the  pocket protector on his cape.  That’s Bob Mitchy, and he wears the ancient slide rule which was given to him by his physics instructor many gigabytes  ago.  Bob knows a lot about defending computers from harm and all those that would pursue a life of crime in cyber space.  Once again, computers can walk with their screens held high across this great and free cyber realm.
