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The Campaigns: FAE Episode 1 - Paper, Rock, Wizard!

November 16, 2013

Hello and Welcome to the Campaigns. These are the Actual Play Podcasts from DnD Academy.

This Play test is a bit different than the other ones so far, in that this one wasn’t really planed. if you’ve been listening to our Dungeon Talk Podcasts you would know that I’ve become enamored with FATE and FAE and want to do a full play test game (or two) with the system.  So last week when our regular game got cancelled  with very little notice because 3 players couldn’t make it, I decided to run a FAE game with the two that could. So Niko, Travis and I ran a short session of FAE using a hacked Approach and Abilities method (A&A – by @Rzrstrm). I had recently downloaded a free 4e module from DrivethruRPG called Kyber’s Harvest and after a brief review of that module used it as a framework to run the game.


In this 1st of 2 episode game we meet our heroes as they make their way to Blackroot a small village in the Shadow Marches looking for a friend named Doria.



As always, comments and feedback are welcome.


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