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The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 27: This is the End . . . Or is it?

August 24, 2013

Hello all,

Well, this is it.  The end of our first Actual Play Podcast Campaign.  Can’t say that it’s the ending I expected, but all in all I think it’s a good one.
/> We pick up this episode right were we left off last time; finishing up the Demon Horde battle.  The whole back half of the episode is just role playing / planning. There are two places where I make hard edits just to cut out 45 minutes and 35 minutes of discussion, respectivaly. I tried to leave enough so you’d know what you missed without making you sit through all of it (trust me, it’s better this way). I hit on the idea of adding our voices at high-speed after I made the cuts so the sound bite isn’t the actual discussion, I just added that for comedic effect.  If you slow it down (I figured someone would) it’s unedited Dungeon Talk 23 audio.



I really appreciate all of you who’ve made it to the End with us. I hope you’ll stick around for A New World which we’ll start posting soon.  As always, thanks for listening and comments and feedback are welcome.


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/> Michael
