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The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 20: “WE’RE WHISPERING!”

June 29, 2013

Hello all,

***UPDATED**** 06/302013 – I was informed through the forum that the volume on this episode was really low. This was not an intentional Meta-joke based on the title. It was a mistake on my part. I went back in and did a quick and dirty Amplify through Audacity.  It’s still not where it should be, but it is louder. Sorry for any inconvenience. A big thanks to Azgarod for the heads-up!!


Here is Episode 20 of our DnDNext Actual Play podcast. In this Episode the PC’s make their way back to the City of Mairhaposa and find that it has . . . changed. The Bazaar where they met Sallah just days before looks to have been abandoned for years. Stranger yet, Sallah doesn’t seem to notice. This is but the first of the oddities the PC’s encounter.

As always, thanks for listening and please take a moment to rate us on Itunes. The more ratings (and the better the ratings) we get helps us stay on the top of lists and searches so more people can find us.

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Michael – AKA Mumbles.
