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The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 9: “Well, this sucks.”

February 22, 2013

Hello all,

Well here isn’t Episode 9. This is just me explaining what you would be hearing in Episode 9 if I hadn’t somehow lost it.

After the session that we lost, we recorded a long Dungeon Talk which was posted as episode 9.0 and 9.1. If you go back and listen to those podcasts you might get a bit more out of what I posted here.


Very sorry!  Episode 10 should be up soon.



Michael – AKA Mumbles.





The reason I’ve been posting these spoiler sections are just to give some insight as to how I run my games and do the things I do.  My original idea for doing the Actual Play Podcasts was to start each episode with me and maybe Evan doing an intro about the game you would hear and then at the end, do a recap where I would explain the same things i’ve been tying here.  Despite my good intentions, it was readily apparent that wouldn’t happen.  So, my compromise is to post a few DM trade secrets in this section.


The Shit Demon encounter was designed to separate one PC and add some tension (it worked).

I’m still not sure who the GHOST is. I have a couple prime suspects but it could go either way. The PC’s don’t know that and that’s okay.

The whole point of the GHOST in this session was so the PC’s would find the bodies of the woman and hopefully piece together that whomever killed the princess has been practicing. The runes on the bodies are for a magical spell (remember that in this world Magic doesn’t really exist so no one can ready magical writing). The spell is designed to open a gateway allowing demon’s into this world.  This aspect of the game will come out dramatically in the next few sessions (the ones we haven’t played yet, not the ones I’ve yet to post).



if you have any questions about any of the things happening in the game or the spoiler section, let me know.




