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Dungeon Talk: Episode 12 - Conversations through the Veil of Space

February 15, 2013

Hello all,

Here is our newest Dungeon Talk Episode. In this one we have a special guest. Rob, one of my very good friends from my old gaming group in Cleveland joins us. We had set up a SKYPE session but it didn’t work out well so we ended up just putting him on speaker phone (thus the title).  The quality of this is not great, you can definately tell that he’s on a phone, but the volume and quality of his voice is good enough for you to hear and understand what he says (when Evan isn’t talking over him! src='http://dndacademy.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif' alt=':)' class='wp-smiley' />

****If anyone out there knows a better a way to do internet or phone interviews for podcasts, please let us know ***


On this Episode we discuss conflicts in game and out of game.  What causes them, and what you can/should do about them. We also cover some events that happened recently in the new Game that Evan is running and discuss ways to improve.


As always, we hope you enjoy and look forward to hearing from you.




Michael – AKA Mumbles.
