Day in Washington

Day in Washington

Latest Episodes

Learning To Accept Yourself, Your Bad Experiences, and Your Skills: Our Conversation with Emily Ladau
May 18, 2019

Emily Ladau is our guest on this episode of Day In Washington. Listen as she shares some of what she has learn throughout her life, and what policy issue she is most concerned about. Bio - Emily Ladau is a passionate disability rights activist,

DIW – Sexual Abuse and People with #Disabilities
April 09, 2019

Hello and welcome to Day in Washington, your disability policy podcast. I’m your host Day Al-Mohamed working to make sure you stay informed.  - I know everyone was watching the news about the Hacienda HealthCare facility in Phoenix, Arizona,

Disability Report – March 31, 2019
April 05, 2019

Hello and welcome to Day in Washington, your disability policy podcast. I’m your host Day Al-Mohamed working to make sure you stay informed.  This is the Disability Report for March 2019. - JUSTICE:   March 1st is known within the disability community...

DIW – College Admissions Scandal, Standardized Testing, and #Disability
March 20, 2019

Hello and welcome to Day in Washington, your disability policy podcast. I’m your host Day Al-Mohamed working to make sure you stay informed.  Today, I want to take a few minutes to talk about the recent college admissions scandal,

Bullying and Disability
February 26, 2019

INTRODUCTION Hello and welcome to Day in Washington, your disability policy podcast. I’m your host Day Al-Mohamed working to make sure you stay informed. POST Recently I’ve been thinking about bulling. We’re all familiar with what bullying is right?...

Disability Report – February 19, 2019
February 19, 2019

Hello and welcome to Day in Washington, your disability policy podcast. I’m your host Day Al-Mohamed working to make sure you stay informed.  This is your Disability Report for the week of February 19, 2019. Housing/International On January 25th,

Disability Report – January 7, 2019
February 04, 2019

Hello and welcome to Day in Washington, your disability policy podcast. I’m your host Day Al-Mohamed working to make sure you stay informed.  This is your Disability Report for the week of January 7, 2019. Healthcare

DIW – Q&A: Service Animals, Support Animals, and the Laws
October 22, 2018

Hello and welcome to Q&A day here at  Day in Washington. Today’s question comes from a panel I was on as a part of  a Disability session for the State Department. I thought it was a fantastic question so am including it in here.  QUESTION:

Structured Negotiation with Lainey Feingold
August 15, 2018

On this episode, we speak with Lainey Feingold about structured negotiation. - Lainey Feingold is a disability rights lawyer focusing on digital access, an international speaker, and the author of Structured Negotiation,

“Competitive Integrated Employment” and the Workplace Choice and Flexibility for Individuals with Disabilities Act (HR 5658)
August 03, 2018

Today’s show is about Competitive Integrated Employment. What is it? What does the term mean? Where did it come from? And how does it all intersect with the new Workplace Choice and Flexibility for Individuals with Disabilities Act (HR 5658)?
