Dish Gods

Dish Gods

Latest Episodes

The Garfield Lifestyle
February 15, 2017

We're here to talk about food again, raising awareness, and 50 Shades of Gray.

Deep Dish
February 07, 2017

Max and LB are sick so we're taking it easy this week.

Veggie Tales go to Coachella
February 03, 2017

Veggie Tales go to Coachella

The Yodeling Dominatrix
February 03, 2017

Yodeling Dominatrix (Manela Horn)

Smashcast, Bashcast
February 03, 2017


Spacial Awareness
February 02, 2017

Spacial Awareness

February 02, 2017


Holiday Special 2016
February 02, 2017

Holiday Special 2016

February 02, 2017

Very BIG

#Kanye Watch
February 02, 2017

Kanye Watch