Digital Marketing from the Trenches Live at the Hive

Digital Marketing from the Trenches Live at the Hive

How to Bridge Organic with Paid to Reach Your Customers Everywhere – Wonder Twin Powers Activate

July 20, 2020

Remember when cartoons were weird, wonderful, and insanely creative? We do, too, but that's not really what we're talking about this week.

No, we're diving into yet another hot topic in the marketing industry right now. Can you guess what it is? Hint? It has something to do with the paid side of the sandwich. Oh my, I was leading up to how to bridge organic with paid content to find the sweet spot, and now all I can think about is PB&J. Le sigh. Shall we proceed?

Check out the video or podcast above where Dan and the bees discuss the many options available for paid and organic marketing, and how to bring them together for awesome marketing campaign results.

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What's New?
Facebook drama. That's the big new headline in the paid social advertising space right now.

Major corporations, including Verizon, Unilever, Starbucks, Best Buy, Adidas, Coca-Cola, and The North Face, have pulled their ads from Facebook for the month of July, as part of the StopHateForProfit campaign.

Canadian companies Lululemon, MEC, and Arc'teryx have also joined the boycott. Scotiabank confirmed it too will pull its ads from Facebook during July, and 3 more of Canada's big banks followed suit: RBC, CIBC, and BMO.
Why You Shouldn't Boycott Facebook
Sure, there are other fish in the sea like Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. if you truly feel strongly about the boycott and want to join the fight. I understand the desire to at least TRY to do something - anything, to make things better. I want a better world, too. I want to fight hate speech and help others.

But will any of this force Facebook's hand, or really accomplish anything? Let's take a look at what it WILL do.

* First off, a few brands pulling their Facebook ads for a month will have little to no bearing on Facebook's bottom line.
* Secondly, some of the companies, depending on their size, could be hurting themselves more by limiting their exposure on the social media giant's platform.
* If small and medium businesses cut their ads altogether, even for one month, this could cause a massive loss of revenue for those business owners.
* Joining the ad boycott would actually hurt the bottom line of small to medium businesses infinitely more than it would Facebook's.

It's an unfortunate truth, but there it is.

To see real, significant change with Facebook's content moderating rules and all related issues, thousands of major brands would have to pull their ad budget for a lot more than a month.

Major brands are just not going to do that when it impacts their own bottom line. Roughly 8 million companies of all sizes advertise on Facebook, and some of the biggest advertisers, including Walmart, Disney, and Procter & Gamble, have not joined the boycott.

Ultimately, you need to do what feels right for you in the end; but, before you make any quick decisions, arm yourself with as much knowledge as you can.

Here are some resources for alternative options if you'd like to dive in further:

* How to Use Alternative Ad Platforms for Your Marketing Strategy
* 5 Alternatives to Facebook,
