The Dharma Lantern Podcast

The Dharma Lantern Podcast

Latest Episodes

Letting Go and Carrying On
January 24, 2021

As we mark this moment of great transition in our society, let us reflect on the Second Noble Truth taught by the Buddha: clinging to objects, experiences, and views creates problems for ourselves and

January 24, 2021


What We Do Today
December 13, 2020

As we remember loved ones who crossed over to the Other Shore in the month of December, Rev. Adams shares reflections on a recent chance encounter with a temple member while navigating the challenges

Living with Unpleasant People and Situations
December 13, 2020

With “pandemic fatigue” on the rise, we may be growing weary of living under the cloud of Covid-19 and the many restrictions that have been placed on our daily activities. In these extraordinary times

Bodhi Day: Finding Your Bodhi Tree
December 06, 2020

We revisit the story of how the Buddha conquered the demons of illusion by not succumbing to doubt and anxiety in the midst of threats and distractions, and look to his example for inspiration in our

The First Noble Truth: Suffering from Aging
October 11, 2020

In the First Noble Truth, the Truth of Suffering, the Buddha encourages us to recognize that aging is an unavoidable part of our lives.  In this talk Rev. Adams shares what it was like to get back on a skateboard at age 38.

The First Noble Truth: The Difficulties of Birth
September 27, 2020

As we explore the First Noble Truth, the Truth of Suffering, we will consider the story of the Buddha’s Disciple Upali, who was born into the servant (Sudra) caste and served the royal Sakya clan as a barber. The Buddha,

First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma
September 13, 2020

In this talk, we hear the story of the moment that Sakyamuni became a fully enlightened Buddha and why he chose to begin his 45 years of teaching the Dharma with his five former companions gathered in the Deer Park.

Shōshinge: Hymn of True Shinjin and the Nembutsu, Session 01
September 10, 2020

In this first session in the Shōshinge Study Class Series, we explore the meaning of the Shōshinge and how it applies to our daily lives, beginning with the opening verse: I take refuge in the Tathagata of Immeasurable Life!

September 06, 2020

For the September 6, 2020 Shotsuki Hoyo Monthly Memorial Service, Rev. Adams reflects on the impressions that the loved ones we remember in September have made on our lives, and the impression that the Nembutsu makes on our minds.
