Dave & Gunnar Show

Dave & Gunnar Show

Latest Episodes

#95: Run By Horses
September 01, 2015

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: San Jose’s license-plate opportunity, AT&T’s wifi opportunity, UK government’s Oracle opportunity, and DISA’s email opportunity.

#90: Cesspool of Unix
July 11, 2015

This week Dave and Gunnar talk with Dan Walsh about containers, coloring books, and bedtime stories.

#89: Home Alone
June 23, 2015

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: OMB, Uber, Slack, GitHub, OpenStack, Docker, the slow-motion password Armageddon, and our favorite OpenShift customers.

#88: The Usual.
June 09, 2015

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: Robots, security, hating on Uber. The usual.

#87: Always Cat6, Never Cat5
May 27, 2015

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: airlines meeting security researchers, Firefox meeting advertisers, FitBit meeting dogs, Roomba meeting Orwell.

#86: Drone Tortoise
May 19, 2015

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: optimizing experiences! Drones, dressing rooms, airplane seats, ads, and software licensing.

#85: In Control
May 07, 2015

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: Controlling the mind, the body, and your drones. Also: RHEL 6.7 beta, JBoss EAP 6.4, and controlling the enterprise with DevOpsDays Austin.

#84: The Kill Chain
April 21, 2015

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: automated swarms, automated chefs, and automated kill chains.

#83: Like Feral Hogs
April 14, 2015

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: airgaps, airline smell-o-vision, reproducible builds, and meeting tips revisited.

#82: Kittens and Robots
March 25, 2015

This week, Dave and Gunnar talk with Lauren Egts about killer kittens and adorable robots.
