Dave & Gunnar Show

Dave & Gunnar Show

Latest Episodes

#115: Automate Your Curmudgeonry
June 07, 2016

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: kill switches, killer robots, killer apps, and killing products.

#114: Rolling a D8
May 31, 2016

This week, Gunnar talks with Adam Weingarten of Acquia and Nneka Hector of DSFederal about working with Drupal in government and the upcoming DrupalGovCon.

#113: Badge of Open Source Honor
May 10, 2016

This week, Gunnar talks with Dr. David A. Wheeler and Emily Ratliff about the Linux Foundation's Core Infrastructure Initiative and their new Badge program.

#112: Blockchain for the Rest of Us
April 26, 2016

This week Dave talks with Jeremy Eder about blockchain, Hyperledger, OpenShift Blockchain, and more!

#111: The Accelerator
April 19, 2016

This week Dave talks with Jeremy Eder quickly about performance engineering!

#110: I’ll Be At The Bar
April 05, 2016

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: IoT hacks, cyborg insects, and Dave’s local crime report.

#109: I Blame Open Source
March 23, 2016

This week, Gunnar talks to Josh Bressers, Security Strategist for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, about how product security teams work, the difference between engineering and product management, and how he became the change he wanted to see in the world.

#108: A Commitment to Your Privacy
February 26, 2016

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: iPhones, politics, politics with iPhones; glibc, containers, containers with glibc; Azure, Red Hat, Azure with Red Hat.

#107: See You On Sunday
February 02, 2016

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: turning license plate photos into cold, hard cash, SCADA selfies, and Amazon’s other container business.

#106: You Can’t Patch Stupid
January 26, 2016

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: Internet of Things! How ubiquitous network-connected sensors make our lives easier and our privacy forfeit.
