Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

S2 Episode 16 Daily Prayer: Thanksgiving, Praise, and Worship

June 14, 2022

Welcome to season 2 of the Determined to Dance podcast. I pray that you’ll be uplifted, encouraged, and will move forward each and every day. Today’s episode, Daily Prayer: Thanksgiving, Praise, and Worship, centers on taking time to acknowledge and focus on God.

Show Notes: Daily Prayer: Thanksgiving, Praise, and Worship

I’ve been pleasantly surprised as I’ve studied the subject of daily prayer. I keep seeing the same thing. Daily prayer benefits me more than it does God. That sounds obvious since God is all-mighty and infinite in power. But I still need to translate that knowledge from my head to my heart. Daily prayer is part of the great dance with God. And daily prayer is for me.

When discussing daily prayer, we’ve seen that God gave His Son as an example, He listens and forgives our sins. And now we include giving thanks, praising, and worshiping God as we pray each day. Surely, this is all for God. And on the surface, it might seem so. God enjoys each time we take a moment to thank Him for something in our lives. Each time we praise the many wonders around us. And worship the greatness of who He is.

He loves it but giving God thanksgiving, praise, and worship still benefits us. How?

It strengthens our faith. When we’re reminded of how big God is, what He’s done in the past, and how much we need Him, we become stronger.
It shows our obedience. Hebrews 13: 15 says, “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” The Bible points out in many verses that God rewards obedience.
It brings us peace. God sits in the midst of our praises, worship, and thanksgiving, enabling us to focus on Him and away from our trials and tribulations.
It defies Satan. There is nothing the devil hates worse than to see God’s children pressing in to seek the Father through worship, praise, and gratitude. So many of our trials and tribulations are the result of the devil’s work in this world and we can rejoice each time we press through and honor God, no matter what.
It helps keep the past from dragging us down. All of us can easily be pulled into regret, shame, and guilt from past actions. Turning to God and focusing on Him keeps us in the present, and away from memories and events that we can’t change.

And I’m sure there are many more benefits that we receive from seeking God. But what if we’re so overwhelmed by life that we don’t know where to start? How can we thank, praise, and worship when our mind, will, and emotions are buried by the problems of the day? When we’re just trying to survive and have lost the ability to dance.

I’ve been there. Survival mode is real and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Sometimes, I have to step away for a short time and focus on my needs, making sure I’m connected with friends that can help me see through the seemingly impenetrable forest of doubt, despair, and discouragement.

But how do we seek God in these moments? We realize that God hasn’t left the room, no matter what our feelings say. We ask for His help. We seek Him by faith.

We simplify.

We pray simple prayers. Whisper a two or three-sentence thank you when you first awake. “God, thank you that You are holding me during these struggles. You make a way where there is no way. I rest in Your promises.” Something to-the-point but meaningful to the Father.

We praise with simple songs. When life is crushing me, I hum or sing. Straightforward words like “God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He’s so good to me.” This song from my childhood means much to me. Also, for me, the hymn “Trust and Obey” and the worship song, “Jireh” often lift my heart during dark seasons.

We worship in simple ways. When overwhelmed, I might close my eyes and say, I worship You, God. You are worthy of all worship.” I often look up and tell God I love Him.

It’s all by faith. Not faith in ourselves, but faith in Him.
