D.E.M. Beats Production

D.E.M. Beats Production

Latest Episodes

The 4 Biggest Mistakes Artists Make Online
March 23, 2019

You May have heard the saying “A Wise Person Learns From Their Mistakes.” However, I want to say to you, “A WISER Person Learns From Someone Else’s Mistakes.” Meaning they don't have to make those same mistakes to learn from it. D.E.M. Beats Production O

Social Media Etiquette PT. 2
March 16, 2019

 We live now in a day and age where artists and music producers lives have become an open book for the public to read and critique. In many ways a persons public opinion of you can make or break one’s music career. Today’s podcast is about social med

Social Media Etiquette PT. 1
February 01, 2019

We live now in a day and age where artists and music producers lives have become an open book for the public to read and critique. In many ways a persons public opinion of you can make or break one’s music career. Today’s podcast is about social media eti

Building & Networking
January 28, 2019

Social Media can make you or break you depending on how you view it and use it. I just want to share a few of my observations to help with you with social networking and building a community of friends who support one another. This podcast is sponsored

Promoting Music Effectively
January 23, 2019

In todays episode I talk about how and why you should be promoting your music. Its important to know a few strategies on how to get the most out of presenting your music. If youre going to put the time and effort into recording and releasing your music
