Degenerate Business School

Degenerate Business School

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Are stocks a waste of time?
September 05, 2021

For data visualization, please use the links below or follow us on Twitter @DegenerateBizIn Equities:The jobs report disappoints, which is utterly meaningless for the inexhaustible rally of the S&P. For all rests on the great taper. Leading the way is

Is there a correction looming?
August 27, 2021

Jerome Powell hits the fairway off the tee from the summit of Jackson Hole, saying that tapering will happen unless the labor market falters, in which case, tapering may never happen. Just the sort of yes/no answer that can assuage market fears and send t

Crypto Momentum Mayhem
August 13, 2021

What's going on with inflation and economic growth? No one knows really. July CPI inflation data points to a slight moderation in YoY growth. Consumer sentiment is waning in the face of the delta variant. Melting together with a successful bond aucti

Ethereum Strikes Back & Our First NFT
August 07, 2021

Just like Cathie Wood, we sell EM China at the bottom. Goodbye for now emerging markets.The S&P looks bulletproof right now, which is why Goldman raised its year end guidance to 4,700 (from ~4,440 now). That's never a good sign. What's more,

When Should We Buy More Ethereum?
July 23, 2021

For data visualization, please follow us on Twitter @DegenerateBiz The bond market moves the stock market...said some point. The 10 year treasury yield dipped suddenly on Monday to 1.18%, roiling all the major indices. But rates normalized ba

The 2021 First Half Review
July 18, 2021

We review the first half of 2021. What did we learn? What did we-unlearn? In the spirit of brevity, we listed out the key themes of 2021 so far. On Macroeconomics Corner:No one understands the bond market:No one knows if inflation is transitory or secular

Are Chinese Stocks Worth It?
July 10, 2021

Just as the chart oracle Carter Worth predicted, Treasury yields fall. The 10 year yield touched 1.25% before bouncing on Friday to 1.35%. And yet the conventional macro wisdom insists that inflation is here and that yields will surprise to the upside. Bu

Genomic Stocks Rebound
July 02, 2021

The jobs report drops favorably, adding kerosene to the everything bubble and capping a steady march for all the major indices.The 10-year yield stays flat to down at 1.439%.Bitcoin and Ethereum survive the weekend of death, while grinding down in a wilde

An Infrastructure Spree, The Everything Bubble & Crypto Winter
June 27, 2021

The great Biden infrastructure bill comes to pass as the everything bubble marches on. Does it matter to equity prices? No, says the bond market with the 10 year treasury yield oscillating around 1.5%. So...stuff was already priced in, but might be a good

Should you ever buy Commodities?
June 19, 2021

The Fed convenes, tending towards hawkishness and signaling they might raise rates sooner than expected. What followed? A correction in commodities and a surge in tech. Having missed the rally in Copper underpinned by the EV revolution, I ask the ignorant
