Degenerate Business School

Degenerate Business School

Latest Episodes

China Week!
October 12, 2019

RECAP!Coming out of the Fed meeting, James is a genius, but he sold off of TZA too soon. We acknowledge him as the father of Robert's triple leverage / heroin addiction.But what is the next frontier? James speaks on ...

The Secret History of Recessions
October 05, 2019

On ROBERT'S STOCK PICK CORNER:Roberta doubles his money on SPXS, shorting the market based on a three-pronged technical analysis. So what was this sorcery he employed? And in the bigger picture, what governs oscillations in...

Peloton Fails & We Nailed WeWork
September 28, 2019

In the BUSINESSES:Peloton tanks in it's opening foray into the public markets. Surely this is a fad.And let us add it to the ranks of the fallen among new IPOs: LYFT, UBER, SLACK.The lesson? Stay away from immediate openi...

Apple bores me...
September 21, 2019

In the BUSINESSES:We discuss the doom of Apple, in celebration of the iPhone 11 release. And on ROBERT'S STOCK PICK CORNER, we recap our big short. As you'll recall, we bet hard on TZA, the reverse Russel...

Our Big Short...Sort of...
September 14, 2019

James Lin returns to the studio, which is a room in my house, to take a victory lap on Deutsche Bank. He also weighs in on how we beat China, informing us that China cannot be beaten.Finally he praises our foresight on the clowner...

Making the case for an NFL IPO
September 07, 2019

In BUSINESS NEWS:WEWORK's valuation takes a bath, as the world realizes that Adam Neumann is no more than a beautiful con-artist.ZOOM VIDEO gets pummeled for now good reason despite delightful financial performance. ...

How to Beat China
August 30, 2019

On MACROECONOMICS CORNER:We explore the mysteries of Presidential power to impose tariffs on the Chinese, or any theoretical country, asking why when the Donald tweets the market reacts strongly to quite strongly.Before the Dona...

The Mystery of WeWork & Subscriptions to Boxes
August 17, 2019

On MACROECONOMICS CORNER:The Recession looms heavy on the horizon, as the market nets a loss this week. Doom unto the economy. In the BUSINESSES: We explore the fascinating chicanery of WeWork, aka The We...

The Recession is Nigh & The Future is Driver-less
August 10, 2019

On MACROECONOMICS CORNER:The market took a dump this week as the US-CHINA trade machinations carry on and the Yuan leaks value. But as James pointed out, the elites are probably looking for a reason to go risk off after earnings and Je...

MacroEconomics SuperEdition & Jerome "Jear Bear" Powell
August 03, 2019

On MACROECONOMICS CORNER:James Lin returns so we can bash on JEROME "JERRY" / "JEAR BEAR" POWELL once more and wax on about the state of the global economyBut more importantly, he has a notion on how to profit from the FED's tom...
