Degenerate Business School

Degenerate Business School

Latest Episodes

Don't let the Bear rally fool you
March 28, 2020

Greg and Roberta explain the bear rally

The S&P is far from the bottom
March 21, 2020

Greg, James & Roberta predict where the S&P will bottom out.

The Great Recession of 2020 is Here!
March 14, 2020

Don't be fooled by Trump's press conference.This week's sell-off is only the beginning. If 2008 is any measure, we have miles to go before the bottom. Economic participation will plummet as society droops into social distancing. The Fed has no power to...

The Feather Strategy
March 07, 2020

Friends!I'll not lie to you...our friend Robert has been taken ill. Does he have the Coronavirus? Maybe...But I carry on the torch alone because like Lebron James or Patrick Mahomes, when it matters most I will put this podcast on my back!Because now is..

Surviving the Stock-pocalypse!
February 29, 2020

Greg and Roberta tell you how to survive the Apocalypse.

Black Fridays, Apple Sucks & Betting on Bloomberg
February 22, 2020

Greg and Roberta discuss Friday market corrections, Apple & Presidential election odds.

Facebook is Evil Good & The Information Age is All
February 15, 2020

Greg and Roberta discuss the Information Age.

The Best CEOs of the Decade
February 01, 2020

Greg and Roberta proclaim the greatest CEOs of the decade

Pandemic strikes! & the Degenerate Portfolio Unveiled
January 25, 2020

Greg and James bring in the year of the rat.

The Endless Rally
January 20, 2020

Greg and Roberta discuss the nonsense S&P rally
