Defiance Reporter – MMO Reporter

Defiance Reporter – MMO Reporter

Defiance Reporter Episode 025 - The Rift in the Community

November 11, 2013

This week, Chris and Ben gush over a leaked clip from NYCC, talk about the newly announced DLC 2 scarce on details, and give their thoughts on a hot-button topic circulating the Defiance forums right now. Tune in to get the scoop!


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Sneak Peek of Season 2!

  • Scene setup: Rafe McCawley is now staying with the Tarrs and about to enjoy a good ol’ fashion Castithan bath, when Stahma Tarr comes in to show some.. hospitality to her guest.

  • What we learn (or already knew):

    • Alak is just a figurehead while Stahma runs the show

    • Alak and Christie really are having a baby

    • Along with his mines and wealth, Rafe McCawley had also lost his home to the city of Defiance and the Earth Republic.

  • Questions Raised:

    • Will Alak grow a pair and actually run the business on his own?

    • Does Alak already THINK he’s running the show while Momma Stahma pulls his strings?

    • Has Christie made it to worship status? (Kelly McCormack, another new cast member for Season 2)

    • “Well I’m here to help, i guess..â€


Polygon’s Samit Sarkar talks Defiance getting the hang of things for Season 2

  • Michael Nankin – “It took us a while to understand how long everything took and how to coordinate it well. Which is normal for a show, but we just had so many moving parts that it took us a while.”

  • Apparently that position they created just for communication and coordination between the game developers and showrunners is being used much less frequently in season 2 because, as Michael says, “we’ve kind of learned how to do it.â€

  • A major part of the connection between the series and the game is that the story runs in real time, so right now, the game is telling the story that takes place between the first and second seasons of the show.The writers spent much of the first season figuring out how to transition characters back and forth from the show to the game and vice versa. For now, there’s a “lull,” said Nankin, since the story for season two has already been coordinated between Syfy and Trion; next spring, the process will begin anew with the writing process for the future.

  • “We didn’t want to have a show that our regular audience would be lost at because they didn’t play the game, and people would just tune out; it would be a disaster,” Nankin explained.

  • For people who both watch and play Defiance, the transition from the game into the show’s second season has to be seamless. And those who only watch the show can’t feel like they’ve missed out on 11 months of storytelling.



[What we did in game]


  • Hunting down sieges, trying for that elusive stage 10 fighting the Volge, but getting well past stage 15 against the plague victims.

  • I landed the kill shot on the Progenitor! Woohoo!


  • Arenas and pursuits


Announcing DLC 2

  • GOOD NEWS! The new DLC was announced! Defiance’s second DLC pack, Arkbreaker, is coming to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC this December!

  • BAD NEWS! We know absolutely NOTHING ELSE about it other than what’s been previewed in Alpha test streams (If you need a reminder, spikes and the ability to call down an arkfall were the big headliners). We did, however, get a pretty picture that I now currently sport as my wallpaper on my Surface.


Plague Sieges are back!

  • Now with improved pacing, better scoring, and the ability to expand over time.

  • The “Plaguers†will permanently lay siege to ark hunters everywhere.


Hope you caught the week-long promotions

Trion Celebrated a “self-made†PC Gaming Week by kicking off a pretty cool promotion. Both Rift and Defiance players got to celebrate by sharing in some boosts and spending some of their hard earned cash for some epic loot.

  • From October 26th to November 1st, Jackpot Lock Boxes were available in the store. These lock boxes contained four rare-or-better pieces of gear and a 50% chance at getting ANOTHER lock box worth of gear.

  • Epic Mod Hoards also made their debut in the store that Saturday. This mod hoard contains four never-before-seen epic-tier mods to trick out your ark hunter’s gear.

  • And the cherry on top: 25% boosts were activated in Defiance for the week. Ark hunters had a 25% boost to the chance of loot dropping AND a 25% XP boost AND a 25% weapon skill boost through November 1st.


Trion Worlds announces results of “We Love Gamers†Celebration

  • Massive success as games add over a quarter million new players in a single week

  • In addition to the Celebration Week, Trion Worlds took part in the charity gaming marathon, Extra Life, for the third year in a row and was the #1 highest fundraiser of any games company registered. With over 3,900 registered participants, Team Trion Worlds raised over $63,000 for children’s hospitals around the country during the 25-hour non-stop gaming marathon.

  • “The outpouring of support was overwhelming,†said Trick Dempsey, Defiance’s Creative Lead. “We sent free copies of Defiance to Extra Life participants and tens of thousands of new gamers came to play the game with us. I was floored to see how many people not only jumped on to play but also who watched the stream and cheered us on.â€


Hot Button Issues on the forums

Speaking of the recent success of RIFT and Defiance, some folks aren’t taking the numbers for granted and have turned to a small sampling of metrics found on steam.



  • Join our PC clan IGNI FERROQUE! <>

    No registration required, just look for one of these officers in-game, Corso Vanlocke, Jack Thundersteele, or Almazar to get an invite!




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