Defiance Reporter – MMO Reporter

Defiance Reporter – MMO Reporter

Defiance Reporter Episode 019 - The Con 2: The Shakedown

August 13, 2013

The information from the San Diego Comic-Con 2013 was so much, we had to make a sequel for last episode! Join Chris and Ben as they discuss everything from the actor’s methodology to what they let slip about Season 2! And there’s something going on at Trion Worlds Studios. Is it a hint of the big DLC release date reveal? Are we getting close yet? Or is it something else? Listen to find out!


Listen now:


Trion Worlds name new CEO and stutter their San Diego Studio

Now, when I first prepared this episode I did indeed see signs from Trion, but it was not necessarily about the DLC. First came a tweet from Mathew Everett (Sledgehammer70) on Saturday the 3nd of August about big changes coming and news to follow later in the week. This was followed up with similar forum postings by Matt. There were also tweets from Greg Laabs (Overload UT) and Elizabeth Tobey (Dahanese) about meetings and having new information. All this as well as the leaked achievement list led me to believe that the DLC was finally getting a release date!

But then this morning, August 8th, Everett announced his move back to Electronic Arts and Lance James (Myll_Erik) also mentioned being out of a job, even after having JUST been promoted 5 days ago to Associate Producer on End of Nations. SOMETHING was going on.

Later, Gamasutra broke the news that ex-COO Scott Hartsman was back with Trion Worlds as the new CEO in place of Lars Buttler (who will remain with Trion as a member of the board) In an email to the company, Hartsman said: “We’re going to rapidly be laying the groundwork for a new strategy at Trion — one that’s closer to the foundation of how we’ve had our wins so far, and then extending that base into the enduring success this company can, and will, be.”

Right on the heels of that announcement, PC Gamer broke the news that the Trion Worlds San Diego studio, the studio in charge of the Defiance development, is being shut down.

In an official statement, Trion Sr. Director of Global Communications Katie Uhlman has confirmed the closure of Trion’s San Diego studio:

“We can confirm that the San Diego studio will be closing. The day to day operations of Defiance will be moved to our Redwood City studio where it can be managed alongside Rift and our other in development titles including ArcheAge and End of Nations. As part of this transition, we are working hard to ensure that a number of great people will be making the move from San Diego to the Bay Area and continue their work at Trion.â€

Ms. Ulman went on to reassure Defiance Reporter that “Defiance is more than OK.â€

  • Guest listener and community member Grimjak weighs in on his opinion about the news and how it affected gamers and faithfuls.
  • Voicemail from Sam Scatch of KTAM with his thoughts on how the situation at Trion made him feel and what it means to the future of the Defiance Game?”



Defiance Season 2 Productions Starts – Press Release

Its official! All the actors have packed their bags and made the trek to Toronto to start filming.


NEW YORK, NY – August 6, 2013 – Production will commence August 12 in Toronto, ON for the 13-episode second season of Syfy’s highly-rated Defiance. The most ambitious project in Syfy’s 20-year history, and produced by Universal Cable Productions, season one of Defiance delivered an average of 3.2 million total viewers, ranking as the second-highest Syfy scripted original to date among total viewers based on Live +7 data (behind Warehouse 13 in September 2009). The season one finale on July 8 earned a solid 3.4 million total viewers.

As the story of Defiance resumes, the lives of the townspeople are in drastic turmoil. The Earth Republic has assumed control of the town, with far-reaching consequences including a new mayor. Nolan traverses the badlands to find a lost Irisa, Amanda has an unexpected new role in the town as she searches for Kenya and the Tarr family desperately tries to keep control of their criminal empire in the midst of dramatic changes.

Season two of Defiance is set to premiere on Syfy in June 2014.

Of course we have heard about the migration from the stars themselves on social media hubs like twitter and tumblr:


Back in Toronto!! Let’s get going! Season 2 #Defiance

— Grant Bowler (@GrantBowler) August 6, 2013

Dumped the bags, left the dogs and ran to @pizzalibretto #toronto good to be back!

— Julie Benz (@juliebenz) August 4, 2013

Did not realize how much I missed Toronto. I love it here! :)

A new chapter.

i am headed to toronto today. as soon as i get off the plane i have transport picking me up and taking me to wardrobe. no time wasted here, making a killer second season is serious business.;)

-Nicole Munoz, Tumblr


Three If By’s Robert Prentice Cast Interviews

Robert Prentice of Three If By Space sat down with Tony Curran, Jamie Murray, Jesse Rath, Stephanie Leonidas, Julie Benz, Grant Bowler, Kevin Murphy, and Rob Hill at SDCC 2013 after the Defiance Panel to discuss Season 2.

  • Grant Bowler

    Easily the best video of the group. Grant is ever charismatic and very much happy to be involved in this project between Syfy and Trion Worlds. If you have to watch just one video, make it this one.

    • What can I tell you that i shouldn’t? I can tell ya my boy goes rogue. Don’t have to wear the badge anymore. “Do you still get the Charger?†Dude, I go way beyond the Charger.
    • We’ve heard all about Nolan being a bad-ass, but he’s having to be such a nice guy. Every opportunity they’re giving me the first part of next season, i’m creating carnage!
    • Metaphorically, blowing up the town is good for us. We get to take it (the show) away from the town for a bit.
    • “You think there’s gonna be a reset button at some point where you come back to being the law keeper?†I don’t see how you can come back from all that. It’s never gonna be the same again. Where does Defiance go from here? I don’t know.
    • If and when Nolan comes back from the Badlands, he’s not looking to play the same man. Not in any way, shape or form. I think that’s done. I think I’d take a hell of a lot to come back to Defiance. I honestly don’t know how we’re getting back to Defiance. I know we do start with him as far away from the idea of going back to Defiance as you can imagine.

  • Julie Benz

    She talks a lot about her role as a woman in power and how it differed from all her prior roles and is very interesting. Its a lot to cover though and we just wanted to focus on Defiance. The video is a great watch and you should take the time to watch it.

    • What was really interesting was everyone in Defiance had a dark side, except Amanda.
    • Does that mean we aren’t going to see Amanda’s dark side? We all have a dark side.
    • I love the world of Defiance. To reset the game at the end of the season is exciting.
    • Being on the set, how does that help you get into character? I’ve never seen a set constructed for television like our Defiance set. We have a 3 street post apocalyptic town with working buildings and multi stories. The town itself is amazing. You really feel like you’re in a whole different world.
    • It was actually great that I got to play a female character where I didn’t have to kiss anybody, where I want anybody’s girlfriend, anybody’s wife, and in my almost 30 year career, that’s never happened.

  • Tony Curran

    • As soon as you put the make up on, the wig, the eyes, and the costume, it definitely gives you a swagger.
    • How hard is it to wrap yourself around that alien speech? Its tricky. At first you thinks its all gobble-de-gook. Its very much learning a new language. Its tricky but its a lot of fun.
    • How fun is it to sink into the duplicitous nature of you and your wife? It s a lot of fun because the scripts are all very interesting, the dynamics between Stahma and Datak are similar to human relationships and Stahma is very wise, and cunning, cold, calculating, some might even say she is more evil than Dakak, and that is yet to be seen.
    • Its fun next season as well what I’ve read so far of how Datak is not going to be in Defiance in the beginning of next season, obviously I can’t say where he is, but he is not in the Tarr household. Its like a ship without a rudder if you will. Although it wasn’t Datak’s rudder that steered him into the rocks at the end of season 1.
    • The place where he (Datak) goes to, I think he, I wouldn’t say he becomes humbled, but he definitely has time to reflect.
    • About those bath scenes, are those different than film? Being in a bath with Jamie… Its pretty tough, It looks lovely, but its quite hard to shoot. Because a lot of these scenes have bean bags or sand bags underneath the water and its all limbs, knees and bones and shins and ankles. Once you’re above the water there’s this sort of calm but there’s a lot going on under the water and none of its pretty! My Scottish knees banging into Jamie’s buttocks. Sorry darling.

  • Jamie Murray

    • I’m lucky enough to play this alien, and sometimes as an actor you really happy when you have these impulses come up. “Well that’s a human impulse.. how do I make it alien?†She wouldn’t have the same motivations as a human being and that’s kinda scary not to know.
    • I don’t know what my favorite trait of hers (Stahma) is, yet. Maybe I haven’t discovered it., but I think she is highly intelligent. She’s emphatic enough that she knows what other people need or want, maybe even better than Kenya did.
    • I feel as though in some ways she like a masked lady. One of the things I enjoyed was there were moments in the first season when the mask slips, but not that many. And i’m quite excited to see that mask slipping a bit more.
    • How do you see your character? I’m playing the character so I’m very biased. Its for you to say if she’s a villainess or a good character. I can’t judge my character and play her. Otherwise I’ll just be a caricature. I don’t think I’ve done anything because I precariously wanted to.
    • I don’t actually like watching myself as an actor. It was so great for me because its such an ensemble piece. We have the read-through and then everyone goes off and does their bit and so i was able to really kind of watch it and become immersed in the drama that when I came onto the screen i was so unrecognizable to myself that I was really able to enjoy it.

  • Jesse Rath and Stephanie Leonidas

    • So how much fun is it to be in this role? Its so much fun. its one thing when you’re shooting something and you gotta really pretend. Well with our show its like that level has really decreased so you don’t really need to pretend as much because everything looks like an alien future.
    • How was it tackling the language? SL: David Peterson is a genius. I was writing in it my diary as well. I learned to write in irathient. JR: I found if you sing it. If you play some rap music and you start saying the lines it helps you to memorize the alien.
    • So how much input do you guys have into your characters? We get to play around quite a lot on the set. It develops as we run through. Noah (Sukar) is a great example of this. There was a scene where I was in a seance with him and the dance that he does before he thought that up. he had asked for more iratheint language so he could make the scene really authentic.There is that freedom on set.
    • We all more or less treat the script like the bible but when were all there in the moment with everything surrounding us and we are all there together. Its the kind of like giddy, childlike energy that we all have creating something together.

  • Rob Hill Senior Producer at Trion Worlds

    • This was always to be a game and a show and to have an interaction between them. Syfy in particular was looking for this kind of experience because they tell a story for an hour for 13 weeks and David Howe really felt that their fans wanted more. They wanted to experience the universe more than they could in those 13 weeks.
    • We’ve learned that we can actually go much further now. Right now they’re in the off season but that doesn’t mean the universe of Defiance stops. It continues within the game, so season two will start after all that time has lapsed.
    • Is Trion moving to another game in development or are you working on any other project? Right now we’re fully focused on Defiance.
    • The player themselves will be on the set and in the show, not their character.


Meet the New Mayor of Defiance and

During the Defiance SDCC panel, it was revealed by Kevin Murphy that there will be two new Earth Republic character regulars in Season 2; Niles Pottinger, the new provisional mayor, and Viceroy Mercado, “a grand old man of E-Rep.” Murphy said, “they have some nasty, nasty plans for Defiance,” and they are very interested in what’s down in the mines (which no longer belong to Rafe McCawley).

Well, Jim Murray – a British actor who’s a veteran of a number of shows, including CBS’ Chaos and mega soap Coronation Street – is joining Defiance in Season 2 as Niles Pottinger, the new mayor of Defiance. Appointed by the Earth Republic, Pottinger is shrewd, polished and charming. But his civilized veneer hides a ruthless pragmatist who traffics in information and secrets, and mercilessly punishes those who defy him. His latest object of desire is ex-mayor Amanda Rosewater (Julie Benz).

This raises way more questions than it answers:

  • What’s this guy’s true agenda?
  • What’s his interest in Amanda (other than the obvious, unless it is the obvious)?
  • And where the heck is Datak, who we all thought was the Mayor?


‘Defiance: Season One’ Blu-ray Dated and Detailed

Both High-Def Digest and and Jessica Rawden of’s Television Blend are reporting that all twelve first season episodes of the sci-fi series will hit Blu-ray in October 15.

  • The three-disc set will feature:

    • 1080p video;
    • 1.78:1 Aspect Ratio (or 16:9 widescreen);
    • a DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 soundtrack;
    • Defiance: A Transmedia Revolution;
    • Behind the Scenes with Jesse Rath;
    • Making Defiance;
    • Deleted Scenes;
    • Gag Reel;
    • and Ultraviolet Digital Copies.

  • Suggested list price for the Blu-ray is $69.98 and $59.98 for the DVD, but you can preorder on Amazon for $46.96 and $41.93.
  • Of course the Bluray is already available in other markets. Right now the Season 1 REGION FREE Blu-ray can be had from Amazon for about £20, or about $30. Differences between the two seem to be additional dubbed language tracks and a lack of Behind the Scenes featurettes in the UK version.

Universal Studios Home Entertainment is putting together the Blu-ray and DVD sets for Season 1, and the cover art is similar to a lot of the promo shots of leads Grant Bowler, Stephanie Leonidas, and Julie Benz we’ve seen all season. This won’t be the only option, though, for fans who are super invested in the series. Universal is also promising a limited edition set featuring “collectible lenticular packaging.†Currently, we don’t have a look at exactly what the special edition will entail, but keep your eyes posted in the coming weeks if you have any interest in the limited edition copy.

Amazon US version:

Amazon UK version:



[What we did in game]


  • Hit EGO 1600 on the PC this week
  • But mostly, I devoted what little time I had to get that Marathon Hunter title. I am happy to report that I now have said title, but it cost me dearly.

    • See, I thought the Rewind Content was only available until August 1st, so I played Defiance until 3 am Wednesday night , HIT 500, got in my Commandeer Cronkhite instance in and got my title, but was it worth it?
    • You see. Rewind Content is here until the DLC drops! I did NOT have to get it all done Thursday in the wee morning hours.
    • And it’s all moot anyway as those titles that you got for completing episodic missions when they happened? Like Paid Piper? You don’t get them.

  • I am now EGO 630 and it was much easier to up my EGO after I hit 500.
  • Jackleg Joe Teach is one tough mother!


  • Final fight, I think, with the big bad Dark Matter Boss. 10 tries, 10 fails…. sigh…


New Achievements for the DLC have been spotted on

DLC: Castithan Charge Pack

Cost: 800 MSP Achievements: 8 Points: 200

  • Thawandaye (50 points)

    Complete Ferick’s Missions
  • Yukifyo (15 points)

    Get a gold rating in the Yuke Arena
  • Rizifyo (15 points)

    Get a gold rating in the Rizi Arena
  • Eminifyo (15 points)

    Get a gold rating in the Emine Arena
  • Valáfyo (15 points)

    Get a gold rating in the Valáne Arena
  • Shanjifyo (15 points)

    Get a gold rating in the Shanje Arena
  • Caste Master (50 points)

    Complete the Thawandaye Pursuits
  • Ferick’s Friend (25 points)

    Max out reputation with the Thorn Liro


Quick Patch Release – Defiance 1.026 Patch

  • Updated the login process to fix cases where players would get a Timeout error.
  • Fixed several cases where players would fail to join the group when entering a co-op instance

Looks like promises are being kept in an expeditious manner. A good start from new Producer Chris Lena.


Friday Livestream with the Dev Team

Friday July 26 with Chris Lena  (Q&A breakdown thanks to Defiance

Q&A breakdown thanks to Defiance

  • DLC Date They do internally have a date, but they don’t want to give an exact date because of the recent date shifting. They feel confident of delivering in August 2013.
  • Fixes that will come with the DLC. Because of the way the game works they bulk their fixes in larger chunks than pure PC games. *holds up five pages of patch notes*.
  • Chat Changes A lot of changes are coming. Soon they will show off some in-game screenshots and highlight some of them.
  • Public Test Server Yes, they will have some form of Alpha Test Server, it won’t be up constantly. It will be brought up for the public to test some of the bigger patches. They are looking to get it up and running shortly.
  • The higher the EGO Rating, the higher salvage cost. They are looking at ways to not penalise the higher EGO Rating. They are looking to base the salvage cost on item rarity not EGO Rating. That change should come around the DLC time. They also want to make sure that having higher EGO Rating is something desirable.
  • Will we see any new areas on the island? Nothing we can talk about at this time. We’re always discussing a bunch of different items, that kind of large scale content chunks is something we’d roll out when we are much more sure about things. We’ll definitely always be adding the world, we really love to add to a lot of the dynamic world content like arkfalls and sieges and things like that. We’re going to try and do all sorts of stuff going forward.
  • Charlie’s fate. Charlie’s fate is discussed often within the office. We have a love of Charlie and we’ll figure out someway to make him a permanent part of Defiance.
  • Is Defiance going to be on next gen consoles? Next gen console, I can’t really talk about. Our priority is our current live game.
  • Auction Houses and Banks. Banks, made a post on the forums today about this. Banks is always on our list, but never seems to make it. It gets de-prioritised compared to other things we want to do. Banks is something we are interested in, but no immediate plans to put it in the game, just a matter of prioritization.
  • Do you have to be Castithan to do the new story content? No
  • Details on the Battle Arena. It’s best described as more like a horde mode. It is you against lots of enemies coming at you. 4 or 5 different arenas for that. At first it isn’t going to be a multiplayer game mode but it is something they are looking at.
  • Show team members quests. Another thing we have been talking about, things that helps people grouping together. We have to balance these features with having too many things on the minimap and being in a situation where players have to fully filter things on the map. It is something we want to do.
  • Buy backpack slots with keycodes? It’s just a balance of how they want the economy to work. It’ll probably stay that way. The rate at which you gather keycodes has been tough to balance for us.
  • Why did you remove weapons from the new Raptor vehicle? Firing weapons from vehicles we think are really cool. I don’t remember us making a change there, there was never a turret there.
  • Sieges. Yes, Volge sieges will be in the DLC. From that point sieges should be back in the game permanently.
  • RIFT Crossover Items? Maybe, they are in a different spot. They have to work with Syfy so the universe makes sense.
  • Redesign PC UI. They are making some changes to the PC specific UI, but when there is a game for 3 platforms there is an efficiency factor that they have to pay attention to. They will be slowly adding some more PC specific settings and changes, but not a sweeping full UI change just for PC.
  • Co-op mode for main mission storyline They are actively working on making changes to a lot of the main storyline missions so that you are not taken away from other people. This is a long term project for us, it’s not something we will have in the DLC patch but it is something they are actively working on.
  • Community Interaction. Interacting as a team more in the community, the easiest way to do that is through the forums. They might not post all the time but they are definitely reading and will post when they can. They really love posts with bullet pointed things to change, well written and formatted threads, they are easier to understand.
  • PvP Community Needs Love. New map coming out, we are looking at how Shadow Wars are currently working. We think there may be problems with the queueing system so we are looking into fixing some of those. We have larger scale plans to deal with the world in a way where more people can interact with each other. Can’t comment on balance, lots of details better suited to the designer.

Friday August 2 with Trick Dempsey

Q&A breakdown thanks to Defiance

  • When will the rewind content end? Will be live until the DLC launch, no date yet.
  • Will the Volge emergencies remain in the game? Yes they will remain in the game, just like the plague emergencies are still cycling through. So you’ll always have a chance to run into the Volge as you’re cruising around the bay area.
  • DLC Voices, how do they select them? When the new DLC comes out, if you purchase the DLC or own the season pass. You will get an option to basically recustomize your character, that includes choosing a different species. In that process you will be able to customize the appearance, choose your voice and possibly rename your character.
  • Will we see plague sieges before the DLC? No it won’t come out before the DLC, but they will be coming back into the game and they will be rotated through like arkfalls are.
  • Will the Volge be nerfed for the sieges? No, in fact the bombers have gotten a lot harder. A lot of people will come to the sieges so they have been enhanced.
  • Why can’t we use other world vehicles that exist? They are neat vehicles, they need to be animated and rigged. Large crowds of people at arkfalls revert to a base skin, so if people showed up with lots of different models that wouldn’t help the situation. They need to be selective about what they put in.
  • Will the test server be on all platforms? No, PC only. So that they can change it on the fly at any time they want rather than having to get clearance from other entities. And you wouldn’t want to download a second game client to hard drive for console users, or download multiple times. They are working on ways for console users who have a PC can access the test server.
  • Can mass breakdown be added to the salvage matrix? With the Castithan Charge Pack salvaging will be done in one button press. Additionally we are going to improve the experience so you can do things en-masse but have not yet settled on the best interface that would be. At some point in the future you will be able to mass breakdown.
  • Will we ever be able to dual wield pistols, SMGs or Castithan blades? Not anytime soon, it’s a massive animation and bandwidth thing. It’s something they want to do, but it would take a lot of time.
  • Crafting system? There will be a crafting system. No time or details but they have looked at things like modding your vehicle, crafting mods for your weapons etc.
  • Will charge blades have nanos? Charge blades will not have nano effects on release, charge weapons will.
  • New contracts and factions. Adding a new faction with the DLC (It’s a castithan word). They are adding several new contracts in the future, one of the things Trick is working on at the moment is making a more clear and entertaining a reputation allocation system. It is hidden right now, and it’s important to the end-game they want to make it more interesting and engaging.
  • When will orange BMGs be orange weapons and not recolored purples? In every case investigated where orange BMGs didn’t have 3 stat rolls, they did actually did, their melee attack and nano-effect are separate rolls and just aren’t listed on the bonuses.


Community Spotlight

This week on community spotlight, we want to open up the floor to hear from our listeners. So we pose a really good community question to you:

Now we all know about the Defiance Play the Game, Join the Show contest currently underway, and @WomenofDefiance wants to know, “What sort of avatar do we hope ends up in the show? What character gap needs filling?â€

What do you think? Send your comments, responses, musings, whatever, to Defiance Reporter by tweeting us, leaving us a voicemail, or send us an email at


Listener Emails

Darby writes:

Dear Defiance Reporter,

I just started to  listen to your guys podcasts and wanted to tell you that what you guys are doing is great and its awesome to know all the behind the scenes type of things for the cast and crew. I would like to try to talk to you guys about things in the future when the second season of defiance comes out.

P.S. I laughed when I saw the name of a building in defiance is called “Darby” I think you can see why.

Sincerely, Darby

Daz wrote a review on his Tumblr.

Defiance Reporter

I’ve been in to the Defiance series and game since launch, but only discovered this podcast in the last few weeks. Hosts Ben and Chris are hilarious, and catching up with the backlog highlighted so many details I’d missed, that I’ve bought the dvds and started watching the show again. This podcast really is a must for any Defiance fan!



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Party for PAX Prime Meetup on Thursday, August 29, 2013 at the Elephant and Castle Pub 6:00pm.  Please RSVP by email to confirm your attendance!


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