Defiance Reporter – MMO Reporter

Defiance Reporter – MMO Reporter

Defiance Reporter Episode 016 - Chupping Politics

July 05, 2013

Remember how last week Datak couldn’t get a break? Well this week he hit back hard! Join Chris and Ben as they discuss all the schemes and dirty tactics Datak Tarr employs to insure political victory. Datak. Chupping. Tarr.

Listen now:


EPISODE 11 “Past is Prologueâ€



Its time for a good old fashion political debate in Defiance, but this event is anything but fair as Datak quickly takes to the offensive and doesn’t pull any punches against Amanda, or Nolan for that matter. Meanwhile, Doc Yewll discovers a missing piece to the Kaziri puzzle.


Thoughts and Observations

  • The Tarrs are way beyond the levels of manipulation that any ordinary person, human or votan, can achieve.

    • How far back does the manipulation go? Was Stahma using Kenya from the beginning? Did she make Christi’s veil so that Datak would think Alak was disobeying him, thus shaming him and owing him a favor to get back in his good graces?
    • Stahma playing Kenya about Amanda’s assassination was easy. But I ask again, was Stahma playing a part since the Razor Rain episode?
    • Datak using Mayor Nikki’s wake as a political platform was kind of a weak move and, for me,showed that Datak is clearly the weaker player on the Tarr team, until I saw Datak was able to arrange for Nolan to do what he does best, reacting first and turning Alak’s friend into a political martyr, and then turn that action against both Nolan AND Amanda by getting on bed with E-REP. Brilliant!
    • Nolan and his assessment of the situation, deciding he needed to leave Defiance, was the first time Nolan thought things through and acted with intelligence. Amanda was a bit disappointing with her sudden drop in age, protesting that her boyfriend stand by her side instead of leaving, but she too came to her senses.

  • Alak is now a very interesting character. He is the only interspecies husband in Defiance right now and he has to please TWO fathers who have completely opposite values and goals. Should provide for plenty of Drama and Shenanigans next season.
  • Doc Yewll, is she good or bad? Why is she messing with the Kaziri in the first place? I thought she was keeping it safe for a reason.. Yo know, the whole genocidal effect it could have on the world and all?
  • Irisa has WHAT in her? Poor Tommy probably thinks its his fault. Wonder how he explained to Nolan how it happened… *snicker*
  • I expected the Kaziri to react to each half, but tentacles? Too creepy. What happens when the two halves join? Does this make Irisa the “destroyer” she is supposed to be? If one kaziri can communicate with you via hallucinations, what can two do? So many possibilities!


Backstage and Mythology Tidbits

  • Nicky Riordan co-founded Defiance in 2037. Publicly, she told the townsfolk it was to create an all-inclusive community where everyone could have a fresh start. The truth: Before coming to St. Louis, Nicky read about the miraculous survival of the Gateway Arch following Arkfall. She believed it was a sign that St. Louis was the final resting place of something called the Kaziri (the gold/silver artifacts we saw Irisa with). Nicky led an expedition to Missouri, with her team posed as miners. When gulanite was actually discovered, it started a gold rush (for lack of a better term). Nicky became mayor to manage the situation.
  • Most Indogene technology was destroyed when the Arks exploded in space. Yewll’s been forced to cobble together equipment from old world salvage and bits of Votan technology that she’s taken from fallen arks. This particular X-Ray technology uses alien chemicals, like developing film in a dark room.
  • Echelon is a highly successful private military corporation that operates across all of North America. They don’t have any political affiliations, working instead for the highest bidder. The Earth Republic often employs Echelon due to the stellar reputation of their operatives. Echelon only hires the best, including many Ark Hunters in the Bay Area
  • The Yosemite Massacre spoken about was one of the uglier atrocities of the Pale Wars. Yosemite valley was home to human and alien pacifists who got caught in the middle of crossfire between the Earth Military Coalition and Votanis Collective forces. In the end, 98 humans and 112 Votan civilians were killed.


Favorite scenes

  • Who can say no to a street fight between Nolan and Datak?! Both fought dirty and both both kicked some serious ass. Of course Irisa stole the show with a much satisfied kick to the Datak face! BOOYAH!
  • The showdown between Stahma and Kenya. SO MUCH MANIPULATION! I CAN’T HANDLE THE MANIPULATION!
  • Doc Yewll. Family doctor by day, Mad Scientist by stormy night!
  • RYNN’S BACK! I don’t care that she was casually threatening Irisa while Irisa lied there, bleeding and crazed, its Rynn!



  • What’s not to like?
  • I fear if the episode before the finale was this good, they can really screw up the finale..



  • Who will win the election?
  • Does Datak really know about Stahma and Kenya?
  • Will Kenya ever find love?
  • What did Doc Yewll see and do when the Kaziri joins together?
  • What will the kaziri do to Irisa and will Nolan be able to get his daughter back?
  • What will Rynn do with Irisa?


Preview for next episode “Everything is Brokenâ€

  • Is Datak threatening disembowelment to Stahma?
  • Everyone looks so depressed this episode. Guess that means major drama happening next week. Hope its not a cliffhanger… OH WAIT  >:|
  • Who’s that E-Rep dude and why does he have a gun to Tommy’s head?
  • Wait, go back. Did I see what I think I saw?
  • NOOOO!!!! I saw Nolan get SHOT!  :(


[Finale Predictions]


  • Lets take the drastic route. Stahma and Datak split up, Alak runs away with Christie, Nolan gets shot and we won’t know if he lives or dies (hint, he lives), Irisa combines the two alien tentacle pretzels, Kenya is in full breakup mode and hooks up with Doc Yewll, and Quentin comes back to town to save the day.
  • OK so I went a little crazy towards the end there.. still. I’ll stand by it.


  • Who shot Datak? I’m doubling down on this. It’s going to happen!



Shooting the Shtako Episode 11

Kevin Murphy is joined by Grant Bowler and Tony Curran to discuss probably the best scene of this week’s episode

  • Bowler: It was actually a relief to have that backstory come out and also paying off stuff that we’ve been seeding through.
  • Curran: What’s so compelling in Nolan’s story is that he is trying to raise a young irathient girl and become a better man, and that [broadcast] comes out.


Reviews Across the Web

  1. ROB BRICKEN of i09

    - Can I tell you that I was on the edge of my seat for like 75% of last night’s Defiance? There were so many surprises, problems and changes to the status quo I have no goddamn clue what they’re going to do in next week’s finale — and I can’t wait to see it.

    - Honestly, I can’t speak highly enough of this episode, and Defiance in general at this point. What I hoped for at the beginning of the season has happened — they built relationships, created history between these characters and in the world, and now we’re receiving payoff after payoff.

  2. RICKEY RILEY of The Celebrity Cafe

    - This episode was one of the best this season. Jaime Murray and Tony Curran were brilliant in this episode and are clearly a tour-de-force acting duo. Clearly, the show writers are having a really good time writing their dialogue and those two are really good at delivering such standout performances that bring these political demi-gods to life. The constant mudslinging and blackmail is reminiscent of the real world politics most people do not see. The Tarrs are ruthless and everyone knows it.


    - (In reference to using Kenya) It was really the first time that the Tarrs felt like master manipulators, thanks to the showing up front and then the telling later—as opposed to the other way around.

    - I would’ve liked Nolan’s record to have been put forth a little sooner in the season so as to complement Yewll’s shady past during the war. Both of them have done things they aren’t proud of and are (apparently) trying to get past, and a richer thematic connection between those two characters—especially since they’re so entwined with the Pale Wars—would’ve been welcome.

  4. SEAN COLLETTI of Sound on Sight

    - Defiance has been guilty of running parallel stories in episodes that are struggling to execute just one of them to its potential. Everything in this episode – all the scenes with the secondary characters – is connected, revolving mainly around the mayoral election between Amanda and Datak. By doing that, we got an interesting conclusion to the Stahma and Kenya story that has been running for a few episodes in which we learn that Stahma really is just another Lady Macbeth and that she’s damn good at pulling it off.  Often during this season, I’ve felt like Defiance relied on not presenting information to the viewer as a way of gaining interest. But good mystery goes a long way, like not knowing what’s really going to happen in the finale given the events of “Past is Prologue.â€

  5. JIM GARNER of TVFanatic

    - Man. Just when I thought I had a handle on how each of the town residents would interact with each other…. Datak Tarr decided to turn the town on its side by playing more dirty that normal.

  6. ALLISON NICHOLS of The Examiner

    - Datak shows how much of a mastermind he is in this episode. The writers have done a great job with his characterization. He is ruthless, and he really doesn’t care who he hurts as long as it furthers his agenda. Datak even goes so far as to set up one of Alak’s friends to die.


    - Datak made a great villain throughout the episode, though I’m glad the character work of previous episodes allowed viewers to maintain a shred of sympathy for this increasingly reprehensible character. And though Julie Benz’s line delivery was a little flat and subdued, the debate scene was easily one of the highlights of the episode. The claustrophobic setting, the constant rain, and the general sense of unease all combined to great effect.

    - Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed at how the rest of the Tarr clan failed. Previous episodes have illustrated how Stahma is, in many ways, the real brains behind Datak’s regime. This episode more or less threw that out the window. Stahma is now little more than the fretful wife, desperate to mitigate as much damage from his rise to power as possible. I did like how this week’s conflict put a huge (possibly fatal) strain on Stahma’s relationship with Kenya.

    - After some initial ambivalence, I found myself liking the approach the writers took with Yewll this week. We never knew quite was she was trying to accomplish with her experiments or how much reluctance she was feeling about abusing the artifact. Yewll has become very much the X-factor in the push towards the finale. That said, I do wish the final scenes gave us a better idea of what exactly happened to Irisa following her surgery.



[What we did in game]


  • My Ego has slowly jumped up to 1483, thanks to more pursuit completion, weapon XP, and contracts.
  • I’m proud to say I’ve completed 11 pursuits this weekend. 5 of them being the Co-op map completions, among the episode, combat, and EGO pursuits I was working on.
  • Why aren’t there more Co-op maps!?


  • Finally across the bridge! Finished the story missions leading up to the bridge, wishing, like many of you, that it had been a battle, not a cutscene.
  • Ran around doing a few side missions as well.
  • Got the rewards from raptor. Enjoying my new roller, but it’s not as maneuverable as my ATV. I know….physics…blah blah blah.


Defiance: Across the Badlands Episode 12

Fan Find of the Week

Congratulations to our friends Obsidian Clan on 360 for being featured on Across the Badlands!

The Volge Have Arrived – Volge Incursion

OMG the Volge are tough!


Volge Examination

  • Kill a Trooper
  • Kill a Bomber
  • Kill a Viscera
  • Complete 5 Volge emergencies


  • Clearing Volge Battle
  • Clearing Volge Boobytrap
  • Clearing Volge Kill Raiders
  • Clearing Volge Miner
  • Road Volge Checkpoint
  • Road Volge Traffic


Challenge Hour Winners finally announced

  • June 7th “Kill Hellbugs†challenge:

    Winner: Era  with 5687 kills

    Era had 4 Sponsors back him and earned a signed art book!

  • June 14 “Kill Tremblers†challenge:

    Winner: Era  with 108 kills

    Era had 20 Sponsors and earned a signed art book, Hellbug statue, and a small and large Hellbug plushie!

  • June 22 “Kill Hellbug Monarchs†challenge:

    Winner: Vyxxi with 126 kills

    Vyxxi had 20 Sponsors and earned a signed art book, Hellbug statue, and a small and large Hellbug plushie!

  • June 29 “Kill Hellbug Archers†challenge:

    Winner: Edgar Arkwright  with 256 kills

    Edgar Arkwright had 3 Sponsors and earned a signed artbook!

Player Submitted Questions:

  • When you melee with a weapon, does it count towards that weapon’s XP? Yes, using a weapon to melee will get you XP towards that weapon.
  • Will the Raptor (the new 4 player vehicle coming out in the first DLC) allow for passengers to use their own guns or built in weaponry? No, in its current form it is a non combat vehicle.
  • Minor arkfalls do not attractively reward maxed out players, are there going to be improvements or changes to balance out the rewards for those who hit max EGO? We are planning to improve the drops in minor arkfalls, however they ARE minor arkfalls and never give out loot as good as those dropped in major arkfalls.
  • Will there be more unarmored clothing options in the future? Yes, we have quite a few clothing options coming down the line.
  • When the new charged weapons are released, will the enemies be using them too? Definitely!


Defiance Store Specials

Remember, $1 is 80 bits.

New Outfits in the store

  • Liberty Heavy Trooper (880 for the outfit, 440 for the headgear) 1320 bits, or $16.50
  • EMC Loyalist (560 for the outfit, 280 for the headgear)  840 bits, or $10.50
  • EMC Scout Outfit and Headgear  (240 for the outfit, 120 for the headgear) 360 bits, or $4.50

4th of July Holiday Sale

Now through July 7th you’ll get 50% off select outfits and headgear

  • Badlands Crime Lord (Outfit 180 90 Headgear 440 220)  310 bits, or $3.88
  • Naval Hero (Outfit 560 280 Headgear 280 140) 420 bits, or $5.25
  • Highway Crime Lord (Outfit 240 120 Headgear 440 220) 340 bits, or $4.25
  • E-Rep Spy (Outfit 240 120 Headgear 120 60) 180 bits, or $2.25
  • Forest Tracker (Outfit 880 440 Headgear 440 220) 660 bits, or $8.25
  • CBMC Marine (Outfit 560 280 Headgear 280 140) 420 bits, or 5.25



Defiance Game Price Drops PC Standard Ed can now be had for $39.99 (from $49.99) 360/PS3 $49.99 (from $59.99), Digital Deluxe and Collector’s Editions are now $69.99 (from $99.99),  and the Gamestop Exclusive Ultimate Edition is now $99.99 (from $149.99) Of Course if you want an extra 30% off on the digital download, you can use the referral link in the shownotes to get it.


Raptr Rewards are now available and around for the next 30 days (or until supplies last), so claim your free bonus buffs, lockboxes, outfit, and even a free Raptr Duni vehicle to drive around Defiance in!


Join our clan IGNI FERROQUE! <>

No registration required, just look for one of these officers in-game, Corso Vanlocke, Jack Thundersteele, or Almazar to get an invite!




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Voicemail: 616-666-6778 (and our new widget on the ride hand side of the page)





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