Defiance Reporter – MMO Reporter

Defiance Reporter – MMO Reporter

Defiance Reporter Episode 012 - ZOMG WHAT?!

June 07, 2013

Sickness. Death. Rebirth? ZOMG there are Zombies in Defiance! The Bay Area is fighting off horde after horde of plague victims while trying to find a cure to the mysterious illness causing these zombies, and in Defiance, Sukar is killed and brought back to life with only one thing on his mind. Tune in to this episode of Defiance Reporter to find out what that is!  … And no, it’s NOT brains.

Listen now:


EPISODE 7 “Goodbye, Blue Skyâ€


Recap - There’s a storm headed to Defiance, only it isn’t rain. Deadly arkship shrapnel is falling fast from the sky in what is known as Razer Rain, shredding everything in their path, including Sukar!


Thoughts and Observations

Main Storyline – Sukar and Irisa

  • Holy hell! Sukar is a zombie!

  • “What we must do is for the good of all†Sukar dies saying these words in Irisa’s vision.. how did he ALREADY know what was going to happen?

  • Irathient burial rituals are interesting.. the “purification broth†is basically a chemical reaction between water and what looked like several powders that is supposed to dissolve flesh and leave bones “left to adorn this place.†What do they do with the bones I wonder. (The Irathients kind of remind me of the Forsworn in TES:Skyrim)

  • Its interesting to see the conflict of personality in Sukar.. the savagery of an Irathient while just being used as a tool versus the pious and fatherly leader we’ve come to know already.

  • So Sukar, acting as a tool to nanites from a falling ship, saves Defiance by waiting until the ship was close enough to receive a signal to fire its engines and steer the freighter clear of the town… A hero’s welcome he did not receive from Nolan

  • Nolan done screwed the Sensoth’s pooch now. Will Irisa ever forgive Nolan for his mistake? Can you really call killing someone a mistake?

Nikki, Rafe and Quentin

  • Oh yeah, Quentin isn’t hiding shtako. He has allergies? Really? And when he lies to Rafe about destroying the artifact, how can NOBODY see through his lies!?

  • Whoa, Nikki just laid everything bare right away. As Rafe said, she really does have quite a set of balls!

  • Nikki is quite the devious character in this episode. I really didn’t know just how insidious she could be until this episode. She kind of knew what happened before getting to the McCawleys ranch and was cunning enough to snare the truth out of hotheaded Rafe.

  • What’s the truth about Quentin’s mother?

Stahma and Kenya

  • “Making love to one of you is enormously complicated.†Another elegant performance by Jamie Murray. Seeing how she was hurt and insulted by something we as humans find strange and funny to suggest shows what kind elegant and prideful presence she brings to Stahma’s character. She also plays a convincing mother..

  • The conversation about doing something for herself between Kenya and Stahma reveals that not only was Stahma a poet/singer star (or the equivalent) with a following, but that she also let that world go when she came to Earth. Receding into her role as a wife and mother, as evident by the way she deflected and asked for more wine.

  • I know a few of our listeners and friends were happy to see “Stahma’s Secret,†though I’m sure it’ll be the cause of Datak’s ire and tantrum throwing in a later episode.

  • I bet Stahma learned just how complicated human women are for herself..

Alak and Christie

  • Not much interesting happening between these two. We get to see how young and immature they really are, wearing their insecurities on their sleeves. Christie who is uncomfortable (as are we all) with the bathing ritual and Alak who is afraid to stand up to his parents for any reason, even his love.

  • You’re way too hung up on your bodies? HAH! Coming from a Casti that made me snort.


Favorite scenes

  • The climax of the episode, while an emotional tug of war, was a fantastic climax as far as climaxes in this show go. Now we get to see Nolan ROYALLY screw up and what consequences will come of it. Will he lose Irisa forever? Is he really cut out to be a lawkeeper or just a soldier (I wonder if he was ever in command while with the Earth Republic).

  • Why the hell is is the body moving in the acid?



  • While it was my favorite scene, I have to ask one think.. if Irisa had faith in Sukar and knew it was just a flip of a switch, WHY didn’t she just flip the switch while Nolan and Sukar were distracted? Why did she freeze like that? Also, Nolan fired, like, 20 times… and Sukar had three holes in him..Wut?

  • What the hell was up with the “come at me bro†tard known as Hot Shtako? Was that really a necessary scene? If it was to set up an injury to Tommy as a device to attract Irisa in a later episode, it could’ve been executed better.. rescuing some Casti kids for instance.

  • How is it that Doc Yewll has tech strong enough to scan for ships in orbit around earth? Is this common around the world? I can believe radar that pings large falling debris (arkfalls) within a certain range.. and that brings me to my next dislike.

  • Why does it take so long between the Razor Rain event and the ark freighter falling towards Defiance? If the freighter was a)at the top of the Razor Rain funnel and b)causing the Razor Rain with the debris falling off the ship or pushing out of the way, shouldn’t the freighter have fallen during the rain?


Speculations for next week

Biggest questions right now are

  • will Irisa ever forgive Nolan for shooting Sukar and pointing a gun at her?

  • will Sukar ever wake up and will he be the same if and when he does?

  • what is Nikki’s next move, and will Rafe and Quentin be ready?


Preview for next episode “I Just Wasn’t Made for These Timesâ€

  • The crashed Ark freighter had a NASA capsule resting on the floor. Was it captured for study, bargaining, or both?

  • There were humans in embryonic sacs instead of cryo chambers. Are they GROWING humans?

  • “You do realize he died in 2013″

  • Whoa he disarmed Nolan with no problem. And his eye is clouded. Dying? Votan sleeper agent? Both?

  • What was he doing in the mines? Attraction to whatever is down there?


[Show Predictions]


  • The season will end with a giant emotional rift between Nolan and Irisa that may never be completely bridged.

  • Also, Datak will find out about Stahma’s little secret and will go crazy Sensoth.


  • Irisa moves out. Helllllo Tommy.



Shooting the Shtako Episode 7

  • Kevin Murphy sits down with Jamie Murray and have an interesting conversation about the relationship with Kenya, stating that back in episode 4 it was revealed that Kenya was always kind to her, thanking her for sharing her husband with them, and knowing just the right words to her (something we saw the results of in this episode *wink wink*).

  • Its interesting that while Stahma is interested in Kenya, she doesn’t know quite how to deal with that.

  • Jamie goes on to explain Stahma’s character and how she is always rehearsed and studied in everything she does, that sometimes she doesn’t know how to quickly react to a situation. Something that, for me, shows a weakness in her cunninging and deceptive persona we see as the viewers.


Reviews Across the Web - TV. com’s Noel Kirkpatrick

  • I’m still engaged by how Defiance is tackling culture clashes. The personal conflict that’s arisen between Nolan and Irisa is a bit more interesting because the effects are more obvious than the issues addressed in episode 2.

  • I wish we’d seen more of the history between the human and the Irathient. This is an instance where the American broadcast model of 22-24 episodes is something I’m hankering for from the show.

  • While I still don’t really care all that much about whatever Nicky wants MacGuffin’s Golden Pretzel for, or what it has to do with the earthquakes of 1811, I appreciated that Defiance is pushing it along.

  • Quentin killing Birch last episode was a surprise, something of a bold move for a show that up until that point seemed content to let this plot sort of plod along.

  • …oh, guys, I just can’t even pretend to care. I don’t know why either of those characters loves the other or wants to get married, and Alak came off like a real jerk in this episode in his complete disregard for Christie’s nervousness. This whole thing could’ve been an interesting parallel to the other various inter-species and inter-cultural differences the show explores, but it ended up just being ridiculously dumb because, again, I don’t know why the characters care about each other beyond the fact they’re supposed to care about each other for the sake of the narrative. AGREE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT!

  • Some random user comment:

    • The whole Christie/Alak relationship is amazingly boring, although it was good to see them have a disagreement about something. Unfortunately the bathing ritual was played as “tee-hee, you have to get *naked*!” when it could have been a genuinely interesting scene. anthem47



[What we did in game]


  • Just over the 1100EGO rating and I WAS working on my co-op pursuits, but then sieges happened.  Sieges are OMG FUN!


  • Almost 400 EGO

  • Finished the quest chain to rescue Varus. Fun chain!

  • Decided to focus on the main story.


Defiance: Across the Badlands Episode 8

Overload UT (Greg Laabs) and Dahanese (Elizabeth Tobey) host the Episode today

  • Wonderful Interview with Doc Yewll Trenna Keating!

    • Do you have any references or inspirations for Doc Yewll? Beatrice Arthur and very hardcore criminals from the past was what she was told to go for during the auditions (thinks there was some conflict on whether Doc Yewll was a good or bad guy initially) but now she kind of makes her own Doc Yewll, using Dr. Brennan from Bones and Dr. Bishop from Fringe. Outcasts but unapologetic.

    • How is wearing that costume and makeup? Does that change the way you act? Initially the mask was stiff and contacts reduced her vision, which eventually helped her feel like an outsider and alien.

    • You come off as kind of a badass when you’re the focal point of a scene. Is it something that’s written into the character? Keating always goes to the snarky asshole response and leaves it up to the directors to gauge when she should tone it down.


  • Right now sieges deal with protecting machines that help synthesis a cure to the plague and try to stop the waves of plague victims from destroying those machines.

  • The better you doin the siege, the better the loot. Its an incentive to get more people to participate and work together in the sieges to benefit yourself.

  • Three new enemies: Flailers, Sickos, and Tremblers

  • Shoot the fleshy pink pustules of mucus that cover the control point for faster captures.

  • Focus on holding a single point.

  • If 3 Tremblers get to a point, they automatically take a point, so take them out.

The Plague Video Promo (

I have to hand it to the Trion and Syfy marketing train. I saw this trailer air during the episode Monday and with that recent Defiance Dodge commercial, they really are CREATING a world within a world. Taking ARG to a whole new level.

Challenge Hour WEBSITE!

  • Go to the website, enter your Trion Account email address, then complete the challenge!

  • Tell all your friends to sponsor you because, if you win, your sponsors win! And you win BIG prizes relative to the number of sponsorships you get.

User submitted questions

  • Will we ever get to use the salvage matrix for vehicles? Nothings been finalized but they are looking to incorporate a larger crafting element to Defiance

  • How does the reward matrix work on sieges? Higher score = more loot? Yes.

  • How long are zombies going to be here. For the next two weeks as we work on finding a cure to the plague. Sieges will live on beyond the plague victims.

  • Any plans regarding the social aspect of the game? Chat is a feature the team is ACTIVELY working on and improving across the board. It is something that will be pushed out in another patch. Everything else is on the list to be worked on.

  • How about a way to check off multiple items for salvage. We are working to bring this into Defiance soon.

  • Wasn’t the PC version supposed to get expanded graphical options. The PC version of the game launched with all the planned options but the team is now looking into ways to increase the options for the PC community.

  • Is there a max stage to run through in sieges? You have 15 minutes to run through sieges and there isn’t a limit to the number of waves you get in those 15 minutes.

  • Allowing Race Changes once the Castithan DLC comes out? Not quite sure but thinks that yes, you can get a race change.


Latest patch deployment

DEFIANCE Patch 1.021 is the first minor patch after the big 1.020. Trion will continue to provide smaller updates and hot-fix issues that can be addressed server side only.

  • Reduces game server crashes

  • Fixed a client crash caused by keybinding in character select Settings.

  • Fixed a Plague event Emergency where not all of the assets were spawning correctly.

  • Fix for Perks not remaining in their proper slot after loading.

  • Data recorder associated with the Svushinnira event Vagabond mission now able to be grabbed by all members in a group.

  • Salvage Crew Emergency now has a completion message.

  • There was an invisible shotgun wielding mutant roaming around the world – he is now visible.

  • One of the Mutant Rifleman was not always attacking players properly. He is smarter now.

  • The Alamo in San Francisco had some periodic issues with Dark Matter guys popping in and out which is now fixed.

  • Reduced the difficulty of the Matron in Island of Lost Soldiers for groups.

  • Contracts page will no longer get locked after completing all daily and weekly Contracts.

  • Fixed a case where you could get instant shield regeneration.

  • Addressed a synchronization issue that caused people to see a couple of extra seconds added to their race time.

  • Mastery effects that were increasing the duration of EGO powers were causing an issue that would let you have essentially unlimited duration on their powers. These Mastery effects have been changed to reduce the cooldown on Powers when performing a full reload with the weapon to correct this issue.

  • Fixed a situation where a few weapons would not get XP when used. This included the VOT Mass Cannon, VBI Guided Launcher, and the Hydra Launcher.


Community Spotlight

Each episode we try to find gamers who go above and beyond to create a more immersive experience for the Defiance Community. This week we want to shine our spotlight on:

Learn Votan

Learn Votan is a website designed to help people learn the many languages of the Votan people. The site is part of the Defiance Wiki and houses all information not only on vocabulary and grammar, but also on the background of these languages and the cultures from which they flowed.

Remember, if you want us to feature your clan or community site on Defiance Reporter, tweet us, leave a voicemail, or send us an email at


Voicemail! We received a wonderful little voicemail from Sam Skatch at KTAM radio! Rock on you crazy bastard.



Join our clan IGNI FERROQUE! <>

No registration required, just look for one of these officers in-game, Corso Vanlocke, Jack Thundersteele, or Almazar to get an invite!


iTunes 5 Star Reviews

Thanks goes out to Andrew Benfer for his wonderful words about Defiance Reporter. We’re happy you enjoy the show!




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Voicemail: 616-666-6778 (and our new widget on the ride hand side of the page)




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