Offensively Challenged Podcast

Offensively Challenged Podcast

Ep. 76: The Process of Michigan Football

November 29, 2018

HEY MICHIGAN FANS you might want to hear this episode to hear what happened Saturday against Ohio state! We dive deep and get detailed about the game and of course Michigan fans are still worried about MSU for some reason! Who gets in the Final Four? We tell ya. Should Notre Dame be in it? We'll tell ya. Should they play if Alabama is just going to win it anyway? We'll tell ya. Does Urban Meyer coach after this season?
We talk NFL and who will be the MVP and who will win the Superbowl. We play dead or alive and Dude WTF(Which is my favorite so far EVER!..Earbuds, Movie theater problems, social media, and Just Verlander are a few of what we talked about!) so tune in!...or don't...but do!
