Real Crime with Danny Lopez

Real Crime with Danny Lopez

A Family Murder Part 4

April 19, 2017

This episode of the Real Crime podcast features part 4 of the brutal murder of the Lyerly family in North Carolina. Here three of the five African Americans who have been arrested are pulled from the jail and lynched. The reporter gives a very detailed description of the act and we can see how people cut fingers and ears as souvenirs. We also have part 3 of the Brother Kills Brother murder in California. Here, the wife of the victim visits the suspect in jail. And there’s a whole lot of talking going on.
Now let me take this moment to plug my novel, The Last Girl. Here’s the cover! Please make sure to pre-order now on Amazon or any other bookstore. The Last Girl is a mystery about Dexter Vega, a newspaper reporter who is laid off from his job in a coastal Florida town. Vega meets a wealthy retiree who hires him to find his daughter who is supposed to be attending the local college. When Vega visits his client to inform him that his daughter is in Mexico, he discovers the man has been murdered. And Vega’s prints are all over the murder weapon.
The Last Girl is a mystery about Dexter Vega, a newspaper reporter who is laid off from his job in a coastal Florida town. Vega meets a wealthy retiree who hires him to find his daughter who is supposed to be attending the local college. When Vega visits his client to inform him that his daughter is in Mexico, he discovers the man has been murdered. And Vega’s prints are all over the murder weapon.

OK, and also in this crazy episode of Real Crime we have a roundup of Japanese and Korean murder suspects in Hawaii—and get this: an attack on a woman by dozens of drunken rats!
