Dangerous Ideas

Dangerous Ideas

Latest Episodes

A Republic (if you can keep it) with Lawrence Lessig
February 17, 2018

In this episode, I spoke with Lawrence Lessig, author, Harvard University law professor, and 2016 Presidential candidate. We spoke about his book, Republic Lost 2.0, where he describes the “green primary” where politicians are filtered to be better fun...

The Ethno-state with Richard Spencer
December 01, 2017

In this episode, I traveled to Alexandria, VA, to speak with the face of the Alt-Right movement, Richard Spencer. Richard is a white nationalist identitarian, but rejects the neo-nazi label, and prefers to associate his ideas back to Nietzsche.

Absolute Freedom with Adam Kokesh
October 18, 2017

Libertarianism on steroids.

A Southern Perspective with James Yeager
October 01, 2017

In this episode, we cover: guns, taxes, healthcare, Charlottesville, the Civil War and slavery. Should the North and South be two different countries?
