Dad Hard With A Podcast

Dad Hard With A Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 26: Parent Communities, Corona & Parental Mental Health (w/ founder of Park Slope Parents Dr. Susan Fox)
March 18, 2020

WE ARE BACK! It is week 32 of #DaddingHard and like the rest of us I am doing my damndest to navigate and battle the COVID-19 outbreak while keeping sanity in my household.... wish me luck. In our guest segment we sit down with the absolutely...

Episode 25: Renaissance Dad (w/ actor/DJ/comedian Adam Welton)
March 10, 2020

WE ARE BACK & A QUARTER WAY TO 100 EPISODES! It is week 31 of #DaddingHard and while the coronavirus has me (and the world) scared sh*tless, my daughter is having full conversations using only "P" sounds. In our guest segment, I talk to...

Episode 24: 1 Month In! (w/ brand new father Dave Feldman)
March 03, 2020

WE ARE BACK!!! It is week 30 of #DaddingHard and communicating is the name of the game this week. Not only is my daughter starting to be independent.... she's starting to have OPINIONS and expressing them! In our guest segment I welcome VP of...

Episode 23: F.O.M.O - Fathers On Missing Out (w/ Matt "Matty Roth" Rothenberg)
February 25, 2020

WE ARE BACK! It is week 29 of #DaddingHard and my daughter now thinks she's an independent woman - must be all that Beyonce. In our guest segment, I sit down with my buddy Matty Roth to discuss the stresses and lonliness of IVF, the natural birth...

Episode 22: Love Fraud & Fatherhood (w/ Filmmaker JD Marlow)
February 21, 2020

WE ARE BACK WITH YOUR DOUBLE DOSE ONCE AGAIN! It is week 28 of #DaddingHard and my daughter is TEETHING! Yes.... cranky mood, sleep avoiding, fever running teething. And, IT. IS. TOUGH! In our guest segment I welcome long time friend (since...

Bonus Episode: And the Winners Are......
February 18, 2020

WHAT IS UP! Back to Back weeks we're dropping a DOUBLE DOSE of episodes, starting with the winners of the FIRST ANNUAL Dad Hard Awars! Thank you everyone for participating in the process last week. This is a fun interactive thing we'll do every year...

Episode 21: Even in Loss, We Dad Hard! (w/ Music Producer Ruwanga Samath)
February 11, 2020

WE'RE GOING BACK TO BACK THIS WEEK! With a 2nd episode of Dad Hard with a Podcast! It is week 27 of #DaddingHard and my daughter decided to start crawling at the EXACT SAME TIME as she started daycare! This week, we also touch on dealing with loss...

Bonus Episode: The 2020 Dad Hard Awards
February 11, 2020

WELCOME BACK! Thank you for sticking with us through the 2 week hiatus. As a thank you this is the 1st of 2 episodes this week and we're getting into the Awards Season spirit with the 1st Annual Dad Hard Awards! As always to connect on the...

Episode 20: To be or Dad to Be 2.0 #Addendum (w/ 1st 2x guest and NEW FATHER Patton Corrigan)
January 28, 2020

We are back! First and foremost, RIP Kobe. The true definition of #DaddingHard. It's episode 20 of Dad Hard and week 25 of #DaddingHard! This week leads up to my daughter turning 6 months and her development has lead her to be a fully commicative...

Episode 19: Start-Up Family (w/ MAZ Systems CEO Paul Canetti)
January 21, 2020

We are BACK! It is week 24 of dadding and have officially come face to face with my baby's first REAL human poop... YUCK! In our guest segment I welcome Maz Systems CEO/Founder and Columbia University Professor Paul Canetti. We talk about the...
