Dad Hard With A Podcast

Dad Hard With A Podcast

Episode 51: The 1st Week, 5 Years Later (w/ New York Post's Michael Liss)

October 19, 2020


It's week 62 of #Dadding and both the greatest and most nightmarest milestones decide to hit in the same week! So while my daughter is now officially WALKING.... she has also officially learned the word NO!! I also attempt - and will most likely fail miserably - to diet for the first time as a dad.....

In our guest segment I welcome fellow Celtics die hard and VP of Product at the New York Post - Micahel Liss! We connected over a journal entry turned article he wrote reflecting on his first week as a dad 5 years later. He shared it on our PSP Dads email chain and we became instant buds. We talk about his reflection exercise, his daughter living in her own broadway musical and his 4+ years of "Daddy Day Care Day." He also gives one of the most important pieces of #DADvice given on the pod making for one of my favorite chats to date!

As always, to connect on the #FatherhoodBrotherhood shoot us an email at Follow the IG @DadHardPod. Check out the website

Until next week.... #DadHard
