Dad Hard With A Podcast

Dad Hard With A Podcast

Episode 44: Let's Play a Game (w/ our first COUPLE Brandon & Megan Rosen)

August 20, 2020

It's been 2 weeks but WE ARE BACK! And back with a vengence launching SEASON 2 of Dad Hard with a Podcast!

For the Season 2 Premier I thought it was only right to switch things up a bit not only by bringing in a parenting COUPLE to the show with my great friends - and previous guests - Brandon & Megan Rosen. But also introducing a brand new GAMESHOW segment as the Rosens compete against each other for parenting supremecy in the first ever edition of THE GOOD DAD GAME SHOW!

3 Rounds. Hard parenting. Who will go down as the parent supreme?! Will she rep for the moms? Or does he DAD HARDER?! Find out and play along on the preimier of The Good Dad Game Show!

As always to connect on the #FatherhoodBrotherhood shoot us an email Follow the IG @DadHardPod. And drop by the website

Until next week.... #DadHard
