Dad Hard With A Podcast

Dad Hard With A Podcast

Episode 43: 1 Year in the Books! (w/ MY WIFE Natalie Duckoff!)

July 28, 2020


It is week 52 of #Dadding which means I am officially 1 FULL YEAR into the Fatherhood Adventure!

To celebrate my daughter's 1st year of life we're going FULL GUEST SEGMENT with the single most important guest who will ever appear on the pod..... MY WIFE!!! We talk about all things from our first year as parents. Pregnancy, transitioning into our new parental lives, funniest moments, when/IF it gets easier as you go and she even gives the REAL DEAL on whether or not I truly #DadHar, we hit it all!

As always to connect on the #FatherhoodBrotherhood shoot us an email Follow the IG @DadHardPod. And drop by the website

Until next week.... #DadHard
