Dad Hard With A Podcast

Dad Hard With A Podcast

Episode 26: Parent Communities, Corona & Parental Mental Health (w/ founder of Park Slope Parents Dr. Susan Fox)

March 18, 2020


It is week 32 of #DaddingHard and like the rest of us I am doing my damndest to navigate and battle the COVID-19 outbreak while keeping sanity in my household.... wish me luck.

In our guest segment we sit down with the absolutely PERFECT guest for a week like this, Founder of one of the largest parent communities in the world, Park Slope Parents Dr. Susan Fox! We discuss the creation of Park Slope Parents, the importance of staying calm during this coronavirus pandemic, mental health in parents & our new business collaboration to throw dads baby showers!

As always to connect on the fatherhood brotherhood hit us up at, follow on IG @DadHardPod and check out the Facebook @ Until then, #DadHard
