Cynde Meyer-Spirit Seeker Hour

Cynde Meyer-Spirit Seeker Hour

Author Cyndi Dale-Moving Through "Crippling Fear" Energetic tools & Concepts

July 10, 2020

July 10: CYNDI DALE “Energy Healing for Crippling Fear” Energetic concepts and tools for defusing the subtle energy of fear that electrifies the air as we emerge from quarantine and face seething anger on the streets. Cyndi Dale, internationally renowned author, speaker, healer, and the author of 27 books on energy medicine, intuition, and spirituality, shares her insights on how can we free ourselves from our fears so that we can emerge from these dual crises stronger and more certain of our true selves, as might a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. Cyndi will discuss her new book "The Energetics of Trauma and Chronic Illnesses - Energy Healing for Trauma, Stress & Chronic Conditions".      


Radio Show Host Cynde Meyer is a Psychic Medium, Life Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, Sound Healer, Feng Shui Consultant and Space Clearer. She is the founder and publisher of Spirit Seeker Magazine, an inspiring 24 year old monthly magazine for the Mind, Body and Spirit.                                                                                                                             





