The Travelling Nutritionist (formally Cut the Crap Keep it Real Podcast)

The Travelling Nutritionist (formally Cut the Crap Keep it Real Podcast)

CTC070 – Body Image with Melissa Toler - Cut the Crap & Keep it Real Podcast - a no excuse approach to a healthier mind, body and soul.

May 03, 2016

Body Image
with Melissa Toler
Hello and Welcome.
When you look in the mirror what do you see? Are you looking at all the flaws or can you pick out things you love about yourself? My guest today Melissa Toler shares some wisdom on body image and how we can accept and love ourselves fully and completely.
Thank you for those of you who have written a review on iTunes, it really means a lot to me. It helps spread the word about the show and get in front of more people and that’s my aim to help as many people as I can live a happier healthier life. So, if you haven’t already done so, when you are finished listening to this episode head on over to iTunes and leave a review. If this show has helped you in any way, I’d love to hear that. You can go to to learn more about how to rate and review the show.
This coming spring I WILL be launching the cut the crap club. It’s an online membership club the gives you a realistic approach to a healthier body, mind, and soul. All details can be found at, I have a quick video and a sneak peek into the what club is all about. Basically, just like this podcast cast, it’s my way of cut through all the B.S. and giving you easy, practical, realistic ways to be healthier, stronger, happier, fitter, have more energy and build confidence. I share with you meal plans, recipes, you’ll learn what your body needs to thrive, you’ll get workout videos that are fun and that you can fit into your schedule, we’ll have live Q&A sessions, you will have access to me live and other guest experts, masterclasses where we dive into specific health, fitness and nutrition topics and the best part, the community. You will have accountability partners, we have our own private FB group, to help motivate and support on anther and, of course, to have fun and laugh at ourselves every now and then, or just laugh at me! I’ll definitely try my best to keep you entertained!! So, visit to learn more and put your name on the waitlist.
Do you like reading books? How about listening to books. I love to read but I don’t always have the time to sit down and read a book. That’s why I love, I download a book and listen to it while cooking or driving in my car. is offering you a free audiobook of your choice and a free 30-day trial membership. is offering you a free audiobook of your choice and a free 30-day trial membership. Just go to and choose from over 180,000 audio programs – download a title free and start listening. It’s that easy.
In this episode, we talk about

* How can we get away from the number and focus on health
* Pay attention to your thoughts
* Why awareness is the starting point
* What are the top 3 struggles and how to overcome them
* Why you need to do a media detox
* How being neutral is sometimes better than being positive
* and much more

Resources & Links Mentioned
Melissa’s  Website
Melissa on Facebook 
Melissa on Instagram
Listen to Episode 70

If you feel this episode has added value to you, please rate and review on iTunes and Stitcher. 
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