Critical Margins Podcast

Critical Margins Podcast

Critical Margins Podcast, Episode 0: Literary Snobbery

March 03, 2014

Today, I’m proud to announce the first-ever Critical Margins Podcast episode!

This week, Jason Braun and I discuss literary elitism: whether it exists, what it might mean for writers and publishers, and how we perceive reading in the twenty-first century. Are fears or concerns about elitism or snobbery just insecurities or something else?

You can also read my thoughts on this topic in this post from last week.

You can listen to or download the podcast here (permalink here):

Also, you can subscribe to the podcast at Soundcloud. Soon we will have the podcast up at iTunes and Stitcher — stay tuned for that.

We labelled our first podcast “Episode 0†because this is sort of a test run, and we want to get your feedback on it. Have any suggestions for improvement? Want to let us know you like what you hear? Leave a comment or e-mail me at kevin [at] to let us know what you think!

Special thanks to Jason Braun for helping me get this podcast up and running. He’s a regular contributor here at Critical Margins and he’s a GarageBand genius. You’ll hear from both of us on future podcasts, and we may bring in other voices as well.

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