Spawn Camp Council: Campfire Tales

Spawn Camp Council: Campfire Tales

Latest Episodes

Critical Council: Theros the Neighborhood, Ep. 4
August 10, 2020

This boat is on fire! We find The Horny Boys. We intro a new character and make it to the Champions Clubhouse. High seas shenanigans afloat!

Critical Council: Theros the Neighborhood, Ep. 3
July 23, 2020

On the high seas we get a salty taste of mutiny, get misty with some sharks, and play a game of baseball. Yes. Baseball.

Critical Council: Theros the Neighborhood, Ep. 1
July 12, 2020

Our new team of adventurers enter a blood feast and the neighbors call CMXI. Local Enforcement on the case.

Critical Council: Theros the Neighborhood, Ep. 2
July 12, 2020

Shopping until dropping. Sweeping supermarkets. The price is correct.

Critical Council: The Tomb, Episode 9 Finale
July 01, 2020

We go deep into the snakehole and find out just how difficult the Tomb can get. Horrifying!

Critical Council: The Tomb, Episode 8
June 23, 2020

Snakes! Why did it have to be snakes? We do a headless puzzle and get sssuper ssslithery with some sssnakes.

Critical Council: The Tomb, Episode 7
June 08, 2020

We meet 3 dickish wizards, an even more dickish kitty cat, and everyone gets aghast! This episode comes with a side of STOP!

Critical Council: The Tomb, Episode 6
May 25, 2020

We enter the Yuan-Ti citadel, beat up a defenseless old man, and desecrate a temple. This episode comes with a side of frog’s legs at no extra charge.

Critical Council: The Tomb, Episode 5
May 20, 2020

One dragon gives no cares and another gives no FAQs. Like what happens when a large animal expands in a tiny cave. Plus crazy armor lady and betrayals aplenty. Enjoy!

Critical Council: The Tomb, Episode 4
May 15, 2020

We find monkeys on a bridge! Always pay the toll with KingDawes. And the firebolg mines. Cliffhanger of awesome!
