Creative Living with Bren Haas Podcast

Creative Living with Bren Haas Podcast

Self-Talk for a Calmer You - Creative Living with Bren Haas Podcast

July 07, 2016

Surrounding yourself with the most amazing things this world can give us in a healthy garden doesn’t always mean you will find complete peace.  I really thought I would be flipping through this book I requested to do a review of thinking it would be a great share for those who need to find peace and calm down.  As I started to read the ‘Self-talk for a calmer you’ I couldn’t put it down finding sentence after sentence that I could related to.  Could it be I needed to find inner peace and really listen to myself?  You are going to love today’s post because it features a book I truly believe EVERYONE should read.  There are so many stressful issues we are faced with daily that if we just learn to listen to ourselves we will find a peace you can find strolling through your favorite garden or nature walk.

This presentation I recorded with Author and Human Behavior Coach Beverly Flaxington can be found on itunes and Google Play. Be sure to check out my Podcasting page for details on how to subscribe.  In the mean time you can listen on the play bar below or download for later.  During the presentation Beverly shared with me some great tips on how to relax and really learn to listen to yourself thus helping you calm yourself.  She really was a delight to interview so please click on the podcast bar or the video with audio below.

Find this video on the Podcast | Creative Living and Growing with Bren Playlist on YouTube.
