College Prep Genius

College Prep Genius

Transcripts Credits Grades

April 13, 2018

Transcripts, Credits Grades, Oh My!
Tips for an amazing transcript! 
Episode #65

Transcripts, credits, grades really are difficult to figure out but how do you navigate the waters of high school? Well-meaning parents and friends will tell you that your child won’t get accepted with a “valid” transcript. That’s not true, but we will talk about suggested credits and so much more. Road Map for success –

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Show Notes: Transcripts, Credits and Grades

* What are suggested credits for high school?

* Depending on state and homeschool laws
* Minimum 23 credits
* Minimum, Recommended and Distinguished
* Shoot for the distinguished – 27-29 credits…you can fall into the recommended plan.

* Can you define a credit and how to award them to the student?

* Credit can be called a unit- measure the amount of time the student has spent on the course.
* A credit can be 120-180 hours of work
* The beauty is you can define your own credits. 5 x 45 min x 180 =
* You establish how you will award your credits.
* Homeschooling allows flexibility.

* Textbook/ tests approach
* Credits for sewing, art, Eagle scout, music, drama
* Related experiences classroom, rehearsals, etc.
* College classes, dual credit and early college Demonstrated expertise – take care of horses, equestrian class; baking, sewing, carpentry work, etc.

High School Grade Scale: Important for Transcripts, Credits and Grades

* High school grade scale.

* Important to allow your children to know your scale
* 90-100 –A | 89-80—B | 79-70—C | 69-60—D
* You can adopt your own scale or adjust to your scale
* Let the kids know you won’t deviate

* What are some possible grading standards?

* Establish standards can help your child and work toward their strengths
* Grades are based on:

* Math: 1/3 tests – 1/3 daily work – 1/3 final exam
* History ½ reading and ½ reports

* Fine arts ½ performance and ½ practice

* – free forms that will help record your grades
* HSLD – has a low-cost recording site

* Elective courses can be Pass/Fail but not calculated into average

What is a transcript and why does our teen need one?

* Should have a transcript whether or not you went to college
* Record of accomplishments completed during high school years, I did something and completed it.
* Validate your high school work that you completed
* Required for military acceptance
* Entry level employment jobs
* Internship
* Annual report card or a summary of what you have completed.

* How to calculate the GPA?

* Grade Point Average
* GPA – assign a grade to a point. Multiply points by 1 credit or more credits that will give you the points

* A = 4 points
* B = 3 points

* C = 2 points

* D = 1 point

* Yearly GPA takes you letter point, assign it a number value, divide it by the total credits you’ve given.
* Total Years – take all your credits and divide it by the points and divide.
