

Latest Episodes

Mommy Dropped Nicole – Coupledom #79
April 27, 2016

Kids: You do everything in your power to keep them safe, but sometimes it’s just never enough.  This week’s talk is about the latest “ouchie” episode as well as others that have happened so far in the lives of our kids.

Post Vacation Feeling – Coupledom #78
April 21, 2016

It’s been a couple weeks since vacation ended. This week we’re reviewing how “refreshed” we are (or aren’t) still feeling after getting back. There’s, of course, a difference of opinion. We also discuss the future possibilities of product placement and...

Purging and the Toilet Paper Argument – Coupledom #77
April 14, 2016

It’s spring cleaning time, and Christopher wants to get rid of some stuff. Carolina doesn’t see the point of it. Meanwhile, there’s a major disagreement about the household butt paper. Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina,

Wild Animals – Coupledom #76
April 07, 2016

This week, some conversations about our dealings with various wild (and not so wild) animals. Coyotes, snakes, geese, are mentioned and a passing reference to a poodle is made. Enjoy. Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina,

Conversation in Colombia – Coupledom #75
March 31, 2016

We’re about half a week into our trip, and we’ve already experienced a traffic accident and a family dental visit. This episode is a “so far in review” kind of thing. Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina, discussing adult relationship topics,

Vamos a Colombia – Coupledom #74
March 24, 2016

Another airplane trip with a toddler and a baby. This time, we’re headed international-style, with a layover in Texas. This should be fun! Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina, discussing adult relationship topics, including domestic issues,

Spirits, the Supernatural, and Sentient Animals – Coupledom #73
March 17, 2016

Have you ever had Deja Vu? Do you believe in ghosts? Angels? Do you think insects are self-aware? This week, the discussion is around these topics and what each of us believes. Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina,

Emotional Honesty – Coupledom #72
March 09, 2016

“How are you?”… “Fine”… It’s a paradigm we default to dozens of times a day, but really how ARE you? Chances are, a lot of the time, or at least some of the time, the real answer isn’t “fine”. Coupledom: Hosted by Christopher and Carolina,

What Were We Talking About? – Coupledom #71
March 02, 2016

Sometimes miscellany can be fun. Like, for instance, when you start a conversation without really having a subject in your head to talk about. This week, we just let things go that way and this is the result. Enjoy,

Fatty Boom Ba Latty – Coupledom #70
February 24, 2016

Christopher’s been dealing with excess weight for most of his adult life. Lately it’s been pushing it’s way to the top of the list of personal issues he’s dealing with. Also, Carolina is working to get back in shape after having her second baby.
