Counsellor CDP Podcast for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

Counsellor CDP Podcast for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

What is counselling CPD

December 04, 2015

What is counselling CPD
with Kenneth and Rory
How to gain high quality CPD opportunities

Ask any counsellor or psychotherapist what is counselling CPD,  and you will get a wide range of responses , in this podcast you hosts Kenneth and  Rory, discuss what constitutes Continuing Professional Development and  how we can access and engage with the best possible training opportunities  in the service of our clients.

The Bacp has helpfully given us a term of reference for CPD which is defined as;

'Any process or activity that provides added value to the capability of the professional through the increase in knowledge, skills and personal qualities necessary for the appropriate execution of professional and technical duties, often termed competence.' -Professional Associations Research Network.

As you will hear in the interview Kenneth and Rory will talk about a wide range of acceptable CPD activities (including listening to podcasts and visiting this website !) and hope that you will gain a definite answer to the question ' What is counselling CPD ? '
In this episode you will learn about

A definition of continuing professional development
Why can be classed as CPD?
Whey continual professional development is important for practitioners
The importance of choosing the right CPD for your clients
How to log your CPD hours and reflect on the process
Professional obligations to undertake CPD in terms of registration and ethical imperatives

As mentioned in this podcast Rory will be giving away free, two very useful resources , the first a counsellors guide to psycho-therapeutic  drugs is a handy reference to  medications used in supporting mental individuals well being such as Prozac . The guide gives an overview of drugs  used in treating a wide range mental health issues and what condition they are prescribed for . The second resource is a definitive list of authority websites which practitioners can visit to undertake research or to gain insight in to certain presenting issues and gain extra professional learning

Resources mentioned in the podcast 

Subscribe to the website to get your free CPD tracker 

Counsellors guide to psycho- pharmaceutical drugs (Click to Access)

Practitioners reference list of useful websites and resources (Click to Access)

Facebook forum - Join the conversation !
