Counsellor CDP Podcast for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

Counsellor CDP Podcast for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

Counselling and metaphor

November 15, 2015

Counselling and metaphor
with Dr.Jonathan Lloyd
The art of language in therapy


In this episode  Dr. Jonathan Lloyd a counsellor and  PhD researcher discusses  the use of counselling and metaphor,  he explores how the use of language between counsellor and client,  can both deepen the therapeutic alliance as well as open opportunities for the client to explore possibilities which may aid psychological healing .

The use of metaphor in counselling has long been a topic of debate, with some therapists linking this particular use of language to dialogical theory ,an idea in psychotherapy that humans may  posses many sub-personalities which  present in the dialogue between counsellor and client as a figure of speech which conveys a powerful meaning and a route to deeper personal understanding.
In this episode you will learn about

How metaphor presents it self in the therapy room
Why counselling and metaphor are closely linked
How medical professionals may miss-communicate with patents
The importance of attending to metaphors a client may use
How metaphor presents it's self in  different moralities of therapy.
Metaphors as a defense mechanism

Dr.Jonathan Lloyd shares some of his research findings as well as giving concrete examples of how attending to this fascinating area of language can build a deeper on more meaning full connection between counsellor and client.

This Counsellor CPD Podcast episode on counselling and metaphor, discuses how counselling and metaphor are like 'fish and chips' or 'two peas in a pod' , in other words they are natural connected component in the art of therapeutic language.

A not to miss podcast in the use of language, meanings and a deeper exploration of the clients process , using this interesting form of communication .

Resources mentioned in this episode

Jonathan Lloyd's own website





