Counsellor CDP Podcast for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

Counsellor CDP Podcast for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

What is the essence of couples therapy

November 08, 2015

What is the essence of couples therapy
with Sue Wintgens
A guide to working therapeutically with couples


What is the essence of couples therapy, In this compelling interview trainer and  couples therapist Sue Wintgens explores why training is essential to work with couples and  why it is essential that therapists understand the mechanisms of their own relationships before embarking on working with others.
Areas such as communication , use of language and brain functioning , can interrupt  the loving connection between partners ,the essence of couples is to help individuals reconnect to each other .

In this episode you will learn about

How to get couples to connect and make some changes?
What is defines a transformational way of working?
Why is couples therapy so challenging for so many therapists?
What brain function contributes couples re defining their relationship?
The importance of learning to be couples therapist by experiencing the process first hand.
How to work with endings for couples who decide to move on from each other.
Helpful observations for those therapists already counselling couples

Sometimes, even after engaging in therapy couples decided their  future lies down separate paths, in situations such as this Sue explains the role of the therapist in facilitating and appropriate and respectful ending  to a relationship, as a way of limiting bad feeling ,and self recrimination for both parties .

This Counsellor CPD Podcast episode on couples therapy, has useful links for further research on couples  including information Sue had produced and from  a number of resources and authors including  Bruce Ecker, Robin Ticic, & Laurel Hulley who research and write extensively about - 'What is the essence of couples therapy'.

 Sue has kindly supplied a nunber of handouts which can be downloaded    HERE
Resources mentioned in this episode
Sue Wintgens  - Resources 

Sue's own website

Unlocking the emotional Brain- eliminating emotional symptoms at their roots using memory re consolidation.

Hedy Schleifer TED talk ( Video)



