Counsellor CDP Podcast for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

Counsellor CDP Podcast for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

Counselling bereaved clients

October 26, 2015

Counselling bereaved clients
with Carole Batchelor
A guide to working with loss

Many professionals  find themselves counselling bereaved clients, in this podcast Carole Batchelor outlines a new approach to helping with clients who have experienced loss. There are many models of supporting clients who have experienced loss, the most well-known is the  '5 Stages of Grief’ by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and ‘The 4 Tasks of Grieving’ by J. William Worden.

The Grief Recovery Method is a structured program for counselling bereaved clients  , first developed in the United States of America and now adopted many counselling and psychotherapy practitioners in the UK, as Carole explains counselling bereaved client differs from conventional therapy because " clients know what they want to discuss and work on".
In this episode you will learn about

How training is undertaken – the importance of practitioners own experience of the model
Why existing approaches may not work
The historic development of the “ Grief recovery Method “
How the ‘Grief recovery Method’ differs from other approaches
Common misconceptions about grief
How best to work the modality – Online or Face to face?

Carole Batchelor discuss the origins of the Grief Recovery Method  and in particular the work of  John W. James , who after the death of his son developed the model to support his journey of bereavement recovery

This Counsellor CPD Podcast episode on counselling bereaved clients also has a link to a download on the ' The myth of the five stages of grief' by Russell Friedman and John W James, critiquing and analyzing the work of the late  Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.
Resources mentioned in this episode
Stages of grief recovery

The grief recovery handbook

Link to Carole's website for viewers of this page .


The myth of the five stages of grief'
