Counsellor CDP Podcast for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

Counsellor CDP Podcast for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

Counselling childhood issues

October 02, 2015

Counselling childhood issues
with Karen Burke MSc
A guide to counselling  children and adolescents

Many counsellors decide to specialise in working with children and adolescents - counselling childhood issues.

In recent years it has become acknowledged by organisations such as the Bacp and the UKCP that working therapeutically with children and adolescents requires specialist training, in areas such as the law, child development and a high degree of personal reflection, especially around the area of transference.

A phenomenon in which practitioners own childhood experiences may surface when counselling childhood issues.

Karen Burke MSc is an accredited UCKP Psychotherapist and supervisor, who delivers accredited training courses in the field of counselling childhood issues as well as being a practising child an adolescent therapist currently in practice with an adoption charity.

In this episode you will learn about 

A multi disciplinary approach when working a child and adolescent counsellor

What a counsellor needs to consider before working with children.

Why the counsellors experience of their own childhood may impact on the therapeutic relationship

How working with children differs from counselling adults

The importance of having a strong theoretical understanding of child development

The most effective ways of communicating with children

How to choose a reputable training course

Karen Burke discusses her book  – 'How to work therapeutically with children and adolescents, which was written as part of a counsellor CPD course which Karen teaches .

We have also  included some useful links to Karen's own website as well as providing links to 'Child therapy world' an internet  based resource  for counsellors working with childhood issues .


Recourses mentioned in this episode

Karen Burke’s website

Karen’s book – How to work therapeutically with children and adolescents

Child Therapy World





