Conversations with Chance Mutuku*

Conversations with Chance Mutuku*

Latest Episodes

Reality Cheques: Cash them in*
October 17, 2023

It’s Not As Bad As It Seems: We All Need Reality Checks. The power of a reality check is impressive, because it’s what gets you out of your self-pity and helps you become triumphant. Let’s take a deep dive. As always, thank you for tuning into Conversati

Work With What You Have*
August 28, 2023

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. Be resourceful. And whilst this may seem to be blindly optimistic it is in fact, extremely practical advice. There are plentiful examples of those who have used what is within their means, utili

Timing Is Of The Essence*
May 23, 2023

Timing is everything. Its wise to carefully observe, attentively listen and actively seek advice in order to gain understanding before charging into an opportunity. Good timing is prompted by informed intuition gained from a heightened sense of awareness

Books Change You: Read & You Shall Find*
March 31, 2023

Reading is important because it makes you more empathetic, and knowledgeable and stimulates your imagination. A study conducted by the University of Sussex showed that reading reduces stress by 68%. It helps in reducing tension and relaxing muscles which

Be A Warrior: Declare War Against Fear*
February 14, 2023

A silent existential war is going on at all times. Become the Warrior you were meant to be. Tough, Virtuous, resilient , calm and fearless. Declare War on Fear: Dethrone the Spirit of Fear That Wars Against Your Destiny

Stop Trying To Control Everything*
January 12, 2023

How much time do you spend worrying or getting stressed about things that you have little or no control over? By doing this you can end up feeling very uncertain, overwhelmed, stressed and powerless. However it is very easy to think like this and get in a

Gratitude Is a Must*
December 23, 2022

Gratitude is one of many positive emotions. It's about focusing on what's good in our lives and being thankful for the things we have. Gratitude is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted, like having a place to live, fo

Be Here Now*
November 26, 2022

Being present means that instead of being focused on what happened yesterday or what could happen tomorrow, you are simply here, now. It's about getting off autopilot and becoming aware of the automatic actions and reactions you are used to, and finding a

Poetic Justice With Lydia Collins*
October 06, 2022

This episode is a special one, its a trip down memory lane. A couple of years ago I sat down with an incredibly smart and talented young lady. She turns out to be The one and only Lydia Collins. For context, this interview was done around late 2018 so yo

The Past is A Path Forward*
September 23, 2022

Theres meaning in the journey that youve taken to get where you are. All that matters is the perspective you use to reflect back. Lets find out how to do this*As always, thank you for tuning into Conversations with Chance Mutuku*. Please don't forget
