Student Loan Show

Student Loan Show

Latest Episodes

SLS031: Why Is This Brothel Owner Paying Workers’ Student Loans?
October 13, 2015

On today's show we've got an interview with Dennis Hof, owner of a string of legal brothels in Nevada including Moonlite BunnyRanch. - Under a program unveiled last week, Hof will match his workers' student loan payments up to the amount they make as ...

Should You Pay to Consolidate Your Federal Student Loans?
September 01, 2015

If you owe money for federal student loans you’ve probably heard about “student debt management” or “student loan consolidation” plans. - Maybe the company pushing the plan says it has a special line in with the federal government of Department of Edu...

Ultimate Guide to Discharging Federal Student Loans Due to Total and Permanent Disability
August 28, 2015

If you're disabled, you may be able to discharge your federal student loans quickly and easily. Here's how.

Private Student Loans, Bankruptcy, and Title IV Ineligible Schools
August 18, 2015

If your school did not offer the ability to take out federal student loans, there may be good news when it comes to wiping out private loans in bankruptcy. On this episode of The Student Loan Show, we dig into the particulars and get you the answers yo...

Settling Your Federal Student Loans – Good Idea or Disaster Waiting to Happen?
July 07, 2015

If you've got federal student loans, you've probably wondered whether you could settle with the government. Just cut a check, make a deal, and go on with your life. - The truth is that there are ways to settle your federal student loans,

The Real Reason a Disabled Woman Was Denied a Student Loan Discharge
June 24, 2015

A disabled woman is denied a discharge of her student loans in bankruptcy. What happened, and how can you avoid the same fate?

Student Loan Identity Theft, Rising Balances, and The Big D
May 19, 2015

Student loan questions answered on the topics of identity theft, rising balances on defaulted loans, and divorce.

Getting Your Federal Student Loan ID, And Should You Stay In College?
May 12, 2015

College isn't easy - you're far from friends and family, the pressure is on to perform, and the price tag is enough to make even the toughest person weep. - So you start wondering whether it's all worth it. -

How To Spot A Scam School, And What To Do About It
May 05, 2015

Have you been scammed by your college? If so, how can you protect yourself?

What to Do About Your Student Loans If Your School Closes
April 28, 2015

You may be able to discharge your federal and private student loans if your school closes.
