Student Loan Show

Student Loan Show

Student Loan Success Story: Melissa Thomas and Elton John

November 13, 2015

Melissa Thomas graduated from Belmont Abbey College with a degree in teaching and a mountain of student loan debt. She went through the usual forbearances, then was barely making payments. That all changed when she couldn't afford to see her favorite musician, Elton John, in concert.

Melissa decided that this wasn't how she wanted to live her life. So she set off to kill her student loans and other consumer debts.

How did she do it? What brought her to such a mountain of debt? And did she ever get to see Elton John perform?

Sit back and relax, because today's Student Loan Show features a Student Loan Success Story that will make you want to turn up the music and start belting Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting at the top of your lungs.

Have a story to tell, or a question to ask, about your student loans? Head over to the website at and get in touch. Maybe we'll feature you on the show!
