Consulting Tycoon Podcast: Digital Marketing Consulting | Agency Growth Secrets | Freelance Tips | H

Consulting Tycoon Podcast: Digital Marketing Consulting | Agency Growth Secrets | Freelance Tips | H

Latest Episodes

#3. Procrastination, Productivity, Effectiveness, and Evernote with Omar Khafagy
October 16, 2014

Today I’m talking with my buddy Omar Khafagy about Procrastination, productivity and effectiveness, how to avoid productivity porn, and his unique take on using Evernote to be more effective in your day to day life.

#3. Procrastination, Productivity, Effectiveness, and Evernote with Omar Khafagy
October 16, 2014

Today I’m talking with my buddy Omar Khafagy about Procrastination, productivity and effectiveness, how to avoid productivity porn, and his unique take on using Evernote to be more effective in your day to day life.

#2. 7 Costly Mistakes To Avoid When Building Your Consulting Business
September 02, 2014

Last week I got the following email from a Daily Secrets subscriber: "Hey Kyle, I'm just about to launch my new consulting business and wanted to ask what are the most common mistakes people make so that I can try to avoid them.

#1 How To Get $30k Clients
April 16, 2014

Kyle interviews Tycoon Inner Circle member Patrick Kenney about how he took his web design business that was making him miserable and turned it into a specialist marketing agency that he loves. He went from charging by the hour to value-based pricing a...

Top 5 Takeaways From My High Value Client Workshop
July 23, 2013

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My Top 4 Fast Web Formula 4 Takeaways
June 18, 2013

[leadplayer_vid id="51BFEC830C298"]

Market Sophistication, Buying Cycles, and Marketing Strategy
June 11, 2013

Discover why it's important to be aware of how sophisticated your target market is, and where in the buying cycle they are, when deciding on a marketing strategy. [leadplayer_vid id="51B6E101AB537"]

Why Focusing on Productivity May Be Slowing Your Progress
May 27, 2013

[leadplayer_vid id="51A54ACCA78E4"]

Breakthrough’s Come From This
May 21, 2013

The second Tycoon Tuesday video contains a tip you've probably heard before (but may not be doing) and has created more breakthrough's in my coaching program than just about anything else. - [leadplayer_vid id="519B279345642"]

A Simple Way To Get Consulting Clients Quickly
May 14, 2013

Check out the first Tycoon Tuesday video and let me know what you think below: [leadplayer_vid id="5192222D2C203"] (I was in a hurry today and just hit record without changing any camera settings so the video is a little off but I'll fix that for next ...
