Consulting Tycoon Podcast: Digital Marketing Consulting | Agency Growth Secrets | Freelance Tips | H

Consulting Tycoon Podcast: Digital Marketing Consulting | Agency Growth Secrets | Freelance Tips | H

200 Leads. 1 Salesletter. Over $335,000 in Sales.

August 04, 2012

Ricky-Jay recently completed his first copywriting project for a client and generated some seriously impressive results...
$35,000 in front-end sales leading to over $300,000 in backend sales!
All from one letter sent to just 200 leads!
On this short call we talk about:

* Why it's important to have your opportunity antenna up and not be blinded by what you *think* the client needs.
* Ricky-Jay's lessons learned implementing his first direct mail campaign for a client.
* How immersing yourself in marketing is the key to recognizing low hanging fruit opportunities like this.
* The value of a good product and irresistible offer.
* Kyle's tips on how to quickly scale this campaign into a $300,000 per month automated money-making machine.

Ricky-Jay will be at Bootcamp August 11 & 12 here in Sydney. Check out for more info... just a handful of tickets remaining.
Love to hear your thoughts, questions, and comments below.
