Consulting Tycoon Podcast: Digital Marketing Consulting | Agency Growth Secrets | Freelance Tips | H

Consulting Tycoon Podcast: Digital Marketing Consulting | Agency Growth Secrets | Freelance Tips | H

How James Reynolds Scaled His $100k SEO Business Over The Last 18 Months [Interview]

June 15, 2012

I first interviewed James Reynolds back in December 2010. He was 6 months into his business at the time and had just broken the $100,000 barrier.
Over 1,100 people have downloaded that original interview and it inspired many to kick-start their own offline business.
So, 18 months later where is he at now?
We jumped on Skype yesterday for a quick catch up and it was fascinating to hear the direction he has gone.

On this short 23-minute call we chat about:

* How James has narrowed his focus and generated "considerably better" results than his initial $100k.
* Why his business is now more scalable than it was before.
* The problem he faced with capacity and how he overcame it.
* How he dramatically reduced client interaction and support.
* Would James do everything exactly the same if he was starting over again? You might be surprised at his answer.
* And lots, LOTS more...

My side of the audio is a little robot-like due to a dodgy Skype connection but James is crystal clear and the content is solid.
Tune in and if you have any questions just pop them in the comments below.
Resources mentioned on the call:

* Consulting Tycoon
* Incredible Incorporated
